
Can I assume my symptoms while on PEP are seroconversion?

Hi, I’ve taken PEP due to the fact our condoms broke. I didn’t know the status of the lady. I took the Ranega (TLD) as PEP, after a week after I finished PEP I had flu and sore throat. Now we are in the 4th week and my body is itching and I can start seeing a rash.

Can I assume this is a seroconversion status? I haven’t taken any test yet because I’m waiting for a total of 6 weeks then I can go do a test.


Hi, how are you doing?

No. This is not likely seroconversion. These are too few and too general symptoms to be considered seroconversion.

The flu and the sore throat are common. Regardless of being on PEP it does not stop the flu being common. Do you still have these symptoms?

It is possible that this rash is a side effect of Ranega. Have you spoken to a doctor about this? A rash should be seen by a doctor from when you notice it.

Have you been able to speak to your partner about their status? There are a number of factors other than the use of a condom that can alter the risk of a transmission.

You are right that a test is conclusive after 6 weeks after PEP. But you can take a test at 4 weeks to help with stress. This test will be 95% accurate and the test at 6 weeks will be conclusive. This is a guide about dealing with test anxiety. 

Please see this link for more info on PEP:



  1. Tony B

    I had sex with sex worker condom broke didn’t notice till after I came inside I’m pretty sure the condom was broke for about the last 2 min any way got pep at about 65 hours 2 weeks later night sweats and horrible sore throat is this a chance the pep failed as it was to close to the 72 hour mark

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Nate, the risk of HIV from one time is likely less than 1 in 100, even if your partner was HIV positive, and you don’t know this. Most people who are positive are also on effective treatment, which ould also protect you.

    Please continue taking PEP for the full course and then test 4-6 weeks later.

    You don’t say which country you live in but PEP usually involves taking three meds every day for a month, rather than two. Even the two meds will help though.

  3. Nate

    Hi, I am currently on PEP, because i had a high risk sexual event on which the condom broke i am gay bottom, the treatment i started un less than 48h and its Lamividuine and Zidoviduine. I had on the first week a diarreah and now currently on the half of my third week and i am having a flu like symptoms, and sore throat. I think i have one lymph node gland inflamated. I am stressed that this could ve my seroconversion.

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thein, these symptoms are not suggesting HIV/PEP failure. It would be more likely that they are caused by a common infection e.g., a cold.

  5. Thein

    Docotor im on PEP and on 14th night i can’t sleep well at night and next morning i went outside with my firends on 15th day . My thorat start strange at night and next day i went out again and i cause headache .When i reach home i cause fever but after taking one pill its go away and also headache .But my sore thorat don’t go away its not too bad but i still feel it and hurt only sometimes. its last one week and now gone .im on 22th day . Is my condition can be worried ?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tizzy, what OTC drugs are you intending you use? Most are suitable and will not interact with TLD, but I cannot be sure without knowing what you are intending to take.

  7. Tizzy

    After possible HIV exposure, I went on PEP about 30 hours later. Drug regimen is TLD. I had a terrible flu from day 2, till now (which is day 4 @ the time of writing this). I know it’s too early for signs of serocoversion, from what I’ve read here. My worry is can I treat the flu with OTC drugs without risking the effectiveness of the PEP? I’m no stranger to colds and I usually treat them quickly with a simple antihistamine or syrup. I just don’t want to risk any negative interaction with the PEP.

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ashi, being itchy is not a symptom of seroconversion. It is possible this is caused by PEP. Have you mentioned this to your doctor?

  9. Ashi

    I guys I need ur help I had condom break so I took ma partner for check I found she was positive within the hour the give me pep but in ma third week of taking pep in time I started feeling itchys on ma body I think that will result in rash ma scared

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Morvine, this exposure is little to no risk. Deep/rough kissing carries no risk of exposure. As you did have a cut lip this would suggest a small risk but you did pull away. Also, transmission via saliva is very rare as HIV cannot survive in saliva due to antiviral properties.

    If you did contract HIV, symptoms would not present as soon as you have mentioned. Presentation of seroconversion takes a few weeks. This would also be delayed by being on PEP. It is possible that your symptoms are a side effect of TLD, though they could also be caused by the stress and anxiety around this exposure.

    In the UK you would not have been given PEP. The risk of side effects would outweigh the risk of transmission. Please follow this link for more information about testing and transmission: