Q and A


What is Ranega?

Is Ranega an ARV or PEP/PrEP?


Hi, how are you?

Ranega is a generic version of TLD.

TLD is a medication used as both ARV (ART) and PEP. This is because TLD is a combination of 3 drugs that work to treat HIV. The same medication used to treat HIV is also used in PEP.

TLD is a first line recommendation for both ART and PEP.

TLD is not used as PrEP. PrEP only contains 2 drugs, instead of TLD which contains 3. Though they may use similar drugs.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Trevor, what type of diabetes do you have? In type 1 it often presents with weight loss before being diagnosed. As you lost weight before taking Ranega, this weight loss could not be caused by your HIV treatment?

  2. Trevor

    Hi Josh last year july i tested positive for covid 19 third wave then after covid come symtoms of diabetic when to the docter and confirm thst and immediately pput me on medication by that time i lost weight. No i havent taken any medication to gain weight. I was stressing a lot the time i discored i was positive for covid the fact that my daughter also tested positive with me cause we were so close

  3. Josh Peasegood

    And has this weight loss been only over the last year? Has anything else changed e.g., more stress, other health problems, eating less? And have you tried anything to stop losing weight?

  4. Trevor

    I was 93kg drop down to 82 i was wearing soze 36 drop to 34 still loosing also loosing my butt iam almost flat now and this give me stress please advice

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Trevor, diabetes is more commonly associated with older HIV drugs like zidovudine and stavudine. It is possible that Ranega has lead to your diabetes though for this to be caused only after a year of treatment would be rare. How have you been managing your diabetes? The first line management is to modify your lifestyle factors e.g., increasing exercise and having a balanced diet. Has your doctor discussed these changes with you?

    Unfortunately being HIV positive is also a risk factor for diabetes in of itself. Are you regularly maintaining your blood sugars within a healthy range? If you are Ranega may still be the most suitable combination for you to take. This is because of its ease of access and few side effects. How much weight have you lost? In this sense Ranega should be protective as it can cause weight gain as a potential side effect.

  6. Trevor

    Good evening. I was placed on Renega for the past two years by my doctor. Last year i developed symtoms of being diabetic which are the side effect of renega.. i have been loosing wait since. Can i ask my doctor to change to another medication and which is the right mediction for me at this point thank you

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lisa, I am sorry that you are having weight gain. This is a side effect that is caused by Ranega. Did you have any side effects while you were taking Atripla? If you were comfortable with Atripla, you can request to return to using that medication.

  8. Lisa

    Hello. I was placed on Ranega at the start of this year, previously having used Atripla. However, towards the end of my first month using Ranega, I noticed quite some weight gain, which unfortunately has not stopped since. It also looks as if fat redistribution is occurring in my thighs and it’s making feel so uncomfortable.
    So, my question is, should I continue using Ranega or request the doctor to revert back to Atripla or possibly the next best ARV after Ranega however with less weight-related incidents. Thank you.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mokgadi, Ranega is a generic version of TLD. By ‘mistake’ do you mean you had a potential exposure to HIV? If this is the case you would be given Ranega for 28 days as PEP. This is post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV transmission after an exposure: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/pep-and-pepse

  10. Mokgadi

    Good evening, mistake happened during sex and I consulted with a doctor who gave me Ranega pills,what are this pills for because I’m hiv negative?


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