Q and A


What is Ranega?

Is Ranega an ARV or PEP/PrEP?


Hi, how are you?

Ranega is a generic version of TLD.

TLD is a medication used as both ARV (ART) and PEP. This is because TLD is a combination of 3 drugs that work to treat HIV. The same medication used to treat HIV is also used in PEP.

TLD is a first line recommendation for both ART and PEP.

TLD is not used as PrEP. PrEP only contains 2 drugs, instead of TLD which contains 3. Though they may use similar drugs.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ekelom, yes you started PEP at the right time.

  2. Ekelom

    Dear Josh Peasegood,

    Thanks for your quick response, you failed to mention if I started at the right time and how effective the Ranega will be, I am sore afraid as it’s two weeks now.

    The Lady in question tested positive to HIV. Am I safe?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ekelom, with the times you have mentioned you have started PEP within 72 hours. For what you have stated you will have started around 59 hours after the exposure.

    For information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  4. Ekelom

    HEY, I have an unprotected sex with HIV positive person around 1am on Wednesday and started taking Ranega on Friday around 11.53am, how effective will it work or did I exceed the 72hrs period, I’m so worried.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sharon, as you started PEP so soon after exposure it will be effective. Ranega is recommended to be taken in the morning. This is to avoid it having an effect on your sleep. While on PEP, you are unsure of your own status. For this reason it is recommended that you use a condom or do not have sex until you can be sure of your status.

  6. Sharon

    Condom broke during sex and the person is HIV positive (assuming high viral load because he had never tested till we tested together). I started taking Renega within 24hrs. What are the chances of me contracting it.

    I have also been taking them in the morning, is this good or should it be taken at night?

    Is there a chance of me spreading it to my partner during this phase if we have unprotected sex (he is negative)

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Tshepo, please don’t worry. These are different makes of the same meds: one is by Cipla and the other by Hetero:

    It is okay to change from one to the other, but your parmacy should also have told you about this.

  8. Tshepo

    Am on Renega medication and then I sent a script to my medical aid for delivery and yesterday they delivered a medication called Reydin so want to know if I must take them are they safe for me as I was on renega and the script doctor wrote it’s for Renega.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tina, yes. Your doctor has given you Ranega (PEP) soon enough after exposure. PEP will be effective as you have taken it within 72 hours from the event. Ranega is a common medication used for PEP.

  10. Tina

    Hie I had unprotected sex around 3 am and around 9 the doctor gave me ranega so I want to know is it safe enough for me


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