Q and A


What is Ranega?

Is Ranega an ARV or PEP/PrEP?


Hi, how are you?

Ranega is a generic version of TLD.

TLD is a medication used as both ARV (ART) and PEP. This is because TLD is a combination of 3 drugs that work to treat HIV. The same medication used to treat HIV is also used in PEP.

TLD is a first line recommendation for both ART and PEP.

TLD is not used as PrEP. PrEP only contains 2 drugs, instead of TLD which contains 3. Though they may use similar drugs.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bright, no you are not at risk. As you are on PEP you are protected from further exposures for the duration of the course.

    PEP will work like PrEP for the duration of the course. You do not need to extend your current course of treatment.

    For more information see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  2. Bright

    Dear Jose. Im on ranega (PEP) this is my second week. Last night I had sex and my condom blushed. Am i on risk of being infected? Thanks

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ekelom, happy new year. no this does not mean Ranega has not worked.

    The symptoms you have are very general. Being on PEP means HIV is the least likely cause for these symptoms. PEP will not protect you from other common illnesses like the cold or covid.

    PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  4. Ekelom

    Dear Jose,
    Happy New year, I took my pep Ranega on 25th November 2023 and I have been testing with safe/quick hiv testing kits. But for the last four days my back is getting hotel, my temperature rises especially my upper back and I have not been eating since then.
    Though I have been thinking and thinking, is that the symptoms of Hiv? Does it mean that the Ranega pep I took didn’t work.

    Please assist.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ekelom, a test this soon (if it was a 4th gen test) will be around 95% accurate. This is highly suggestive that you are HIV negative.

    To have your status confirmed you are required to take a 4th gen test 6 weeks or more after the last dose of Ranega.

    Testing and transmission: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  6. Ekelom

    Dear Mr. JOSH,
    Thanks for assisting people all over the world. I last took my Ranega on 25th of November 2023 and yesterday being 20th December 2023 I tested and the result came out negative but I’m still afraid.

    Did I test too soon or what?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ekelom, any test so soon will not be accurate. You can test from 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP using a 4th generation test. This test will be accurate and give you a conclusive result of your HIV status.

    4 days after PEP is too early for signs of seroconversion. Your symptoms are not caused by HIV, more so as you have completed a course of PEP it makes the likelihood of these symptoms being HIV related ever more unlikely.

  8. Ekelom

    Dear Josh,

    I have completed the Ranega Pep, it’s four days now, should I get HIV test?

    It’s four days now that I have completed the 30day course and last night I was sweating and I am sore afraid as it maybe a sign of HIV.

    What should I do.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nhlanhla, TLD is not recommended as PrEP. This is because PrEP is a combination of 2 drugs whereas TLD is a combination of 3.

    Truvada is what is most commonly used as PrEP.

    PrEP: https://i-base.info/guides/prep

  10. Nhlanhla

    Is it safe to use TLD as PREP?


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