
When can I test after PEP?

I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?


Hi, how are you doing?

While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.

A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.

It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi No name, your test is conclusive. You do not have HIV and do not require any more tests.

    For more information please see here:

  2. No name

    Hi, after exposure I didn’t take pep. After 80 days of exposure I had a 4th gen test which came negative. Is my result conclusive or I need another test? Thank you

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ram, as you used a condom there is no risk of transmission.

    For more information please see here:

  4. Ram


    I had a protected sex with sex worker with unknown status and condom also intact can I know my risk of hiv transmission? I didn’t use dental gum during kissing and for oral sex I didn’t use condom. I have so many symptoms including dry mouth, feaver and sore throat after exposure

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Aarif, PEP can be started within 72 hours of an exposure.

    Using a 4th generation test you can test from 6 weeks after the exposure OR 6 weeks AFTER the last dose of PEP.

    Using a 3rd generation test you can test from 12 weeks after the exposure OR 12 weeks AFTER the last dose of PEP.

    For more information about testing please see here:

  6. Aarif

    Hi sir
    Pep windows period and normal hiv windows period can explain for me
    I’m full confused

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi John, your consultant is correct and that you do not have HIV. Your result is conclusive.

    Your current symptoms are not a sign of seroconversion and you do not need any further HIV tests.

    Please speak with your doctor about other possible causes of the symptoms you are experiencing.

    For further information about testing and transmission please see here:

  8. Arthur

    Hi John,

    I had a high risk exposure on 23-Oct-2023 (condom broke while having sex with a sex-worker with unknown status). I started PEP around 40 hours on 25-Oct-2023 and finished it on 23 Nov-2023. I took a 4th gen test 44 days after the last does of PEP and it was negative. The consultant told me that I don’t have HIV.

    Since 50th day I have started experiencing dry mouth and have got a couple of small ulcers on the lip I bit accidentally. Are these symptom of seroconversion or HIV? Should I go for testing again? I am very anxious and scared now because I was so relaxed after negative result but within a week I am again back to square one. Please guide me.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Aarif, it is good that you have now had a negative test. It is likely the result will remain negative.

    Though after PEP you need to wait 6 weeks after the last dose for the result to be conclusive. This will be using a 4th generation test.

    For more information about PEP:

  10. Aarif

    Hi sir my first exposure in December 06 msm and unpord sex than I have December 08 I’m pep medicine tack in 48houres tha complete my 28 day I have test in January 9 4th generation test results in negative values 0.072 than test is conclusion I have more test plz tell me