
When can I test after PEP?

I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?


Hi, how are you doing?

While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.

A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.

It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Batu, do you know the type of test you used? A 4th generation test will be conclusive from 42 days and no further testing will be required. Sore throat and fatigue are very common symptoms of illness and are not specific of HIV.

    Please follow this link for more information:

  2. Batu

    Hi, I used PEP and tested negative after finishing PEP, 42 days post PEP and 100 days post PEP. It’s been a week since my last test.

    I’ve been having a very bad sore throat and fatigue for the past few days. Should I test again?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Tayt, Tenemine if a generic combination of two HIV drugs: tenofovir and emtricitabine. It is widely used by HIV megative people as PrEP. Most countries use a combination of three drugs though for PEP. Please see:

  4. Tayt

    Is Tenemine a treatment for PEP.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Thein – please see previous answer. Information about the timing of tests after PEP is at this link:

    Testing while taking PEP doesn’t tell you anything. This is because even if you were HIV positive the PEP meds would delay seroconversion and symptoms and any signals to test for HIV.

    If you started PEP then this is very likely to work – you just have to be patient to confirm this.

  6. thein

    hi i tested negative at 28th day on duo after exposure but test during PEP . I know its not conclusive but how many chances its still left for me to become postive again . Duo test at 28 day is 95 percent correct its true for PEP user too ? Every websites are showing different information .

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Te – information about the timing of tests after PEP is at this link:

    Testing while taking PEP doesn’t tell you anything. This is because even if you were HIV positive the PEP meds would delay seroconversion and symptoms and any signals to test for HIV.

    If you started PEP then this is very likely to work – you just have to be patient to confirm this.

  8. Te

    hi i tested negative at 28th day on duo after exposure but test during PEP . I know its not conclusive but how many chances its still left for me to become postive again . Duo test at 28 day is 95 percent correct its true for PEP user too ? Every websites are showing different information .

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Blue, after PrEP you can test immediately. PrEP when used correctly is to prevent transmission. Aside from regularly testing while on PrEP (usually monthly) you do not need to wait after you decide to finish PrEP. PrEP will not effect testing.

    There is a wait after PEP because PEP is used to prevent infection after exposure. If HIV has been transmitted and PEP has not been effective, PEP will suppress HIV. This causes a delay in the body’s reaction. This is not the case for PrEP.

  10. Blue

    Hi, after stopping PrEP, how long until the test is conclusive? Is it the same as PEP? Or is it longer since someone might take PrEP for much longer period than PEP?

    Thank you