Q and A


Is it possible to sleep with someone HIV positive and not get HIV?

I started to sleep with someone who has had HIV since 2018 up until now. Last month I tested negative. Is this possible?


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes this is possible. The most probable reason is that your partner is on treatment. While on treatment with a viral load below 200, it is not possible to pass on HIV via sex. This means even without a condom or PrEP, there is no risk of HIV transmission. This is explained by U=U. This stands for when people have an undetectable viral load (below 200), it is not possible for HIV to be transmitted.

There are other factors that can influence the risk of HIV transmission. Sleeping with someone who is positive does not mean you will become HIV positive yourself. These factors inc. type of sex, positions and length of time. More are discussed here.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Em – why are you telling me this? Please see this Q&A that explains more and includes links for info that might help. Thanks.

  2. Em

    25th of March I fingered a lady and sexed her with condom and she complained of being so wet in there but condom didn’t break. I washed fingers and penis with soap and water. Fingered another lady next day for a minute, discontinued and washed. Meanwhile I noticed faint line behind fore finger like scratch. I’ve since had sweaty days, 2 days wrist pain, 2 days white tongue, occasionally stab pain at points on upper lip, foot, finger and toe tips, a day or 2 fever which didn’t stop me from driving a 2 n half hour journey. Today anxiously I noticed a rash between abdomen and upper thigh. It will be 3 week tomorrow and next respectively. What’s going on

  3. Simon Collins

    Dear Em – please read about HIV and risk using the links at this post:

  4. Em

    Hmmnn. Today makes it exactly 28 days since I fingered the lady as described above. I have never been this weak and sleepy. My Tuesday ab test was too early. V not been having above 6 hours sleep for more than a week but that’s almost usual. Not really sure I’m anxious until today when weakness was almost unbearable. V noticed some pains on finger and sole tips lately too. V not had sex with anyone since September and the only 3 times with my wife were condom protected ones as usual. What’s going on please. Could it the moringa leaves that I boiled to drink to correct the sleep deprivation

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zanele, if you are not using a condom and your partner is positive, there is a risk of HIV transmission. This is explained more here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/risks-for-transmission

    If your partner is still taking his medication, it is likely there is no risk. ARVs can suppress HIV enough that HIV cannot be passed on via sex. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  6. Zanele


    I saw adimune tablets at my boyfriends place and they are written 2019 and his name. I googled the tablets only to find out its ARVs.I dont mind if he is taking ARVS my only problem now is that I don’t think he still tales them at all. I really need courage to speak to him. How much is the risk of sleeping with someone who used to take Arvs and not taking them anymore?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Em, as you have mentioned what you have experienced is not an exposure risk for HIV. As the blister vanished upon touching it, it is nothing to be concerned with. Feeling feverish is a very common symptom of many illness, HIV being the likely. It is much more likely that your fever is caused by the flu or a cold. In cases of stress (feeling anxious around HIV), it is possible that a fever is caused by anxiety.

  8. Em

    But today, I begin to have feverish feelings since morning to the extent that I had to leave office and canceled journey. What was the blister suggestive of

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Em, nothing of what you have described is risk for exposure. You are not at risk for HIV. Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  10. Em

    Please I did finger a person I later learned unreliably to be positive 4 nights ago and read that it’s near zero risk especially when you don’t have a cut in the fingers. Just right now, close to 4 days after, I used my tongue to discover a swelling like a small blister on my upper lip and ran home anxiously to use mirror. On touching it, it vanished just about 10 mins ago. I have since then being totally anxious. Please what’s going on. Pep is no longer an option


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