Q and A


Can I pass on HIV if I am undetectable?

I’ve been on Biktarvy for 4 Months and I’m undetectable. Recently I had unprotected sex and now I’m scared. What’s the odds of me passing it on?


Hi, how are you doing?

There is no risk of passing on HIV.

As you are on treatment with an undetectable viral load there is no risk of transmission.

This is explained by U=U. It means that when you are on treatment with a suppressed viral load, you cannot pass on HIV. Even without a condom there is no risk.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emma, as you have stated your exposure was via a clipper risk there is no need for you to be on PEP. This is not a route of HIV transmission. You can stop PEP now.

  2. Emma

    Thank you expert
    Almost every adviser said the clipper cut was a negligible risk which would have needed no pep. But the condoms that broke 3ce on genitals tips touch on wet woman but replaced immediately each time. This was 7th day into TLD and since then it has been another 7 days. Could that be sufficient protection Incase the woman is positive and not on meds? I feel like suspending it cos I have only 2 pills left and getting a refill is demanding

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emma, there is no interaction between these medications. TLD and Lonart do not interact. It is safe to take them together and they will not change how effective the other is.

    It is okay to continue taking them as you are with the 5 hour gap, or if easier you can move the time of your Lanart to be the same as PEP.

  4. Emma

    Good afternoon, ve continued the pep ever since and after feeling feverish Monday and Tuesday, I tested positive to MP last night 9 days into pep. Research says don’t take antimalarial drugs with TLD but it became unbearable today and I had to start lonart 5 hours after my adjusted pep time. On Sunday and Monday, 7 days into pep, I had a play with a lady without insertive sex but in the process, while on condom since dick was close to genitals, the condom broke 3 times which I always replaced immediately cos there was no insertion, so I intended to suspend the electric clippers cut risk triggered pep, but for the 3 condom break at surface. Then how do I use the malaria medications with pep in terms of timing to reduce interaction

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emma, please see here for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  6. Emma

    Morning Support, I had an electric clippers cut in my ear that bled and we applied petrol on it immediately and I discontinued barbing immediately and rushed to hospital and doctor used a wool to clean the recloting blood and asked me to go. 1 The clippers wasn’t used on anybody in my presence but the person I met sitting with the barber is promiscuous. 2. I was cut deep in ear 3. Petrol was applied on the wound 4. Fire was used to burn the clipper blade before barbing 5. A rubber was fixed on the clipper to control the hair cut size which wasn’t sterilized. 6 I have fears and started pep in 22 hours which I don’t have enough for the course 7. It’s too heavy and giving insomnia. 8. Doc isn’t aware I went ahead to take pep after saying no problem by his judgement 9. Assess my risks please cos my doc is actually not vast in or used to HIV

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi K, to be considered ‘robustly’ undetectable you need to be undetectable for 3 months. This is to show that your viral load is not rebounding. Though before this if you are already undetectable, the risk of rebounding is very low meaning the risk of transmission before 3 months is minimal.

    More information about this is found here: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  8. K

    How long do you have to be undetectable for before you can not pass it on?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Victor, no this does not increase the risk of PEP failing. Oral sex already carries little to no risk of transmission. A sore in your mouth will not increase the risk of PEP not working. Please see here for more information about PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  10. Victor

    Hi doctor, I started my pep 16 hours after giving oral sex to a woman, but I had a sore in my mouth that I only noticed later. Because the virus went straight into the blood, does this increase the risk of the pep failing?


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