Q and A


Why am I HIV negative and my partner is HIV positive?

My partner is HIV positive and I am HIV negative and we had sex without condom several times until I found out he is positive, I went for test and tested negative. Please explain why? Now we want to have a baby if I get pregnant will I get infected and the baby too?


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you know if your partner is on treatment? and if they are have they told you their viral load?

When someone is on treatment with a viral load below 200/undetectable, it means that they cannot pass on HIV. This is called U=U.

U=U stands for undetectable = untransmissable. This is why there would be no risk of transmission to yourself or a baby.

Even if they have a higher viral load and/or not on treatment, there are many factors that change the risk of transmission. Having sex with someone HIV positive does not guarantee transmission. This is explained more here.
