
What happens when you stop Reydin?

What happens when you take one Reydin tablet and stop taking them?


Hi, how are you doing?

Are you HIV positive? and if so do you know your CD4 count and viral load?

Have you only taken one Reydin and then immediately stopped? If this is the case why did you stop treatment?

Reydin is used to suppress HIV and stop it having an impact on your immune system. When you stop taking Reydin it allows HIV to become active in the body and damage your CD4 cells. It also risk you passing on HIV to others.

This graph shows how CD4 count and viral load change with and without treatment.

If you have only taken this single tablet, there is unlikely to be any major outcome though it can risk some resistance to treatment. Not taking treatment will also cause a reduction in life expectancy.

Would you consider restarting treatment again?



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Wendy and thanks for getting in touch.

    Congratulations on your relationship.

    To answer your question: it is always your own responsibility to look after yourself and not your partner’s (this, or any previous or next one).

    If you want to protect yourself we have more information here:

    In cases like yours we always suggest discussing with your partner openly but it’s also important for you to also know all the facts:
    ie. how you can catch HIV
    how you can protect yourself and
    of course that people living with HIV on effective treatment cannot pass it on to their sexual partners (U=U)

    It is also important to understand that it is a trust issue (for a partner to discuss health conditions with you and the other way around) but as with everything else the responsibility for your health lies with you.

  2. Wendy

    I just found Redyin in my boyfriend’s room and he is telling me that they belong to his late uncle, he always get furious when i tell him that we should both get tested for HIV and AIDS, But i did lab tests alone several times and they always come back negative. Should i trust him or start to look after myself?

  3. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Nanana and thanks for getting in touch.

    You need to have a discussion with your partner.

    ARVs can be used both as treatment and as PEP.

    The good news is your partner is very careful and protects herself (and you consequently).

    Are you equally careful? Getting tested often? Using PEP and PrEP?

  4. nanana

    MMy parter is using Reydin pills and Lovugin pills. Is she HIV positive or is a prep?

  5. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Vusi and thanks for getting in touch

    Reydin is a an ARV combination medication that can be used as treatment and prevention.

    Your wife is making sure she protects her health and yours in either case.

    Please speak to her about this in a kind and caring manner and keep in mind that for either case (treatment or prevention) she is making sure you are safe and protected.

  6. Vusi

    Hi my wife using this pills Reydin and I don’t know why??

  7. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Luu and thanks for getting in touch.

    Reydin (as most antiretrovirals) can be used for PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) or treatment.

  8. Luu

    Reydin pills are prep?


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