Q and A


Can I get married if I am HIV positive?

Hi. Can I marry if I am HIV positive? I am only 28 male, and just diagnosed. How long I can live if I start HAART in future? Do you also think there will be more treatement options in future? Thank you


Yes, most countries have no legal obstacles against marriage, though many countries do have laws that saw you need to tell your partner about your HIV status. There are some countries where discrimination limits human rights, so it also depends where you live.

Many HIV positive men get married – to partners who are either HIV positive or HIV negative. If their partner is HIV-negative it is still possible to have children


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Grace,

    The health of your partner won’t have an impact on your HIV. If you’re worried about transmission, as long as your viral load is undetectable, there’s no risk. Please see here: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  2. Grace

    I’m hiv + Can I have sex or marry a guy who is a kidney transplant patient ?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ndivhuwo,

    There’s no reason why your status should be an issue. HIV doesn’t stop being from getting married or being happy. If this is what you want, go for it.

  4. Ndivhuwo

    Am in love with a man who is not hlv positive and l am but my fears are can we get married and live happily while one is positive ad one is not?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maureen,

    Having kids can be a scary thought regardless of someone’s status. If you’re worried about contracting HIV, as long as your partner is taking ARVs and his viral load is undetectable there’s no risk, please see here: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    Just to let you know, it’s common that positive people have negative partners, HIV shouldn’t be an issue. It’s easy to treat and positive people like negative people can have great and healthy lives.

  6. Maureen

    I love a hiv positive man,but he told me his truth about his status,we practice safe sex, though I sometimes get afraid of him if he talk about having kids!

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Priya, I am sorry that I do not understand your question. Does this mean you are now HIV positive. If yes, were you only diagnosed in pregnancy?

  8. Priya

    My husband before marriage positive ennaku no problem but in pregnant time I have hiv positive

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ishmail.

    Is there any reason why your partner has chosen not to take medication?

  10. Ishmail

    Me and my partner we are hiv positive’ me I’m taking my medication well but my partner she’s not in medication
    Now my question is’ is it ok to have unprotected sex yet my partner is not taking her medication
    How that will affect me


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