Q and A


How long do efavirenz side effects last?

I just started with efavirenz and Truvada 10 days ago. I’m not sleeping properly and feel dizzy all the time.

Is this normal, and when will it get better?



The type of side effects you report are pretty common when starting efavirenz.

For most people the dizzyness starts to get easier to tolerate within the first week or two, but it sounds like you may be having a particularly difficult time.

One thing to check is that you are not taking your meds after dinner. Meals that contain a lot of fat increase efavirenz levels by about 60%. Efavirenz should not be take until at least two houf after food that contains a lot of fat. Taking efavirenz before bedtime means you are hopefully sleeping during the side effects.

It is up to you how long you want to give this before trying another drug. Although your clinic might suggest giving it more time, some people change within a week if they are badly affected.

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone by staying on a drug that doesn’t work for you. There are lots of other options and switching is easy.

There is more information on efavirenz at this link.

This answer was updated in January 2016 from a question first posted on 11 June 2011.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ningi,

    It sounds like you’re having a tough time. But please call the clinic straight away and tell them about the rash. It’s important that a doctor looks at it because it could be serious.

    Feeling dizzy is a reported side effect of Trivenz, and if your eye sight is blurred too it could be a reaction that needs urgent attention.

    Please talk to the doctor about all the symptoms quickly. Do let me know how you get on.

    Best wishes, Roy

  2. Ningi

    I stated trivens 2 weeks ago and rash deleted after a week I stated the rash was terrible at now it gone but got spots and I have become dark I don’t know if I should treat the spots or it inside it hard to tell when I’m looking at it, it like blood have frozen isnide like internal bleeding. But my worst thing right now is being dizzy I can’t even think straight I have become clumsy, how long will that last I need to perform at my best at work I can’t even use the keyboard right and my eye sight is blared it really affecting my work, never mind jogging this dizziness is really affecting me. And to think I was perfectly doing ok before starting it.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Vicky. Please call the clinic again and describe the rash in detail. If this is over more that 10 percent of your body, then a doctor need to see it. Although most rashes are mild, somecan be serious and you need to check that this is not serious. It is difficult is you get side effect when you had no symptoms before. For most people these do get better – but for a serious rash ist is often important to change meds.

  4. Vicky

    Hey, I just started my treatment a week ago, but I can tell you is not easy with all this side effects. Now I have rash on my body, they tell me is gonna blow over in two weeks or so. I’m already wondering what’s next after rash. How do I treat this side effects cause I’m definitely sure they needto be treated. I was so healthy before I use this arvs. Help pls.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Hayormide, your previous partenr was wrong. Millions of HIV positive women have children and families that are not at rsik for HIV. The main factor is whether you are taking HIV treatment yet and it sounds like you are. If your viral load is undertectable on treatment it makes it very difficult to transmit HIV. Talking to new partners is not alwasy easy. This is your decision and it will depend on your circumstance and the other person. You could get an idea of how he might response by talking in general terms first. This is a link to more questions about HIV disclosue.

  6. hayormide

    I was diagnosed with hiv February 2016, immediately I told my fiance about it, he quit the relationship saying it would not be safe having a healthy family. is it safe to keep my status from my new boyfriend, even if we get married? what if I don’t tell him and am faithful to my ARV, will I still infect him?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Faith. This depends on why your treatment was changed. If it is becasue your virla load rebounded, then it is best to change to the new treatment straight away. Also, are the new drugs different to your old drugs? Sometimes different brand names contains the same medication. If in doubt, please call your doctor or clinic to ask.

  8. Faith

    I’ve just been changed to a new regimen, can I first finish up my old pills before starting the new ones?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Vusimuzi

    The best way to take Odimune is to take it just before you go to bed. Ideally do not eat a high fat meal in the two hours before you take it. It is better to (1) eat first, (2) wait an hour or two, then (3) take Odimune, and then (4) fall asleep.

  10. vusimuzi

    Ho,i started taking Odimune 5 days ago and in have rash.My mood has changed.I take the pill at 20h00. At what time must I start to take food after taking Odimune at 8 pm at night?


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