Q and A


How long do efavirenz side effects last?

I just started with efavirenz and Truvada 10 days ago. I’m not sleeping properly and feel dizzy all the time.

Is this normal, and when will it get better?



The type of side effects you report are pretty common when starting efavirenz.

For most people the dizzyness starts to get easier to tolerate within the first week or two, but it sounds like you may be having a particularly difficult time.

One thing to check is that you are not taking your meds after dinner. Meals that contain a lot of fat increase efavirenz levels by about 60%. Efavirenz should not be take until at least two houf after food that contains a lot of fat. Taking efavirenz before bedtime means you are hopefully sleeping during the side effects.

It is up to you how long you want to give this before trying another drug. Although your clinic might suggest giving it more time, some people change within a week if they are badly affected.

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone by staying on a drug that doesn’t work for you. There are lots of other options and switching is easy.

There is more information on efavirenz at this link.

This answer was updated in January 2016 from a question first posted on 11 June 2011.


  1. Robin Jakob

    Testing positive can be worrying. Starting treatment is the way to keep you healthy. Many people on HIV treatment today live as long as people who don’t have HIV, and also continue to work. There can be side effects to treatment. If you have any of these you can talk to you clinic or doctor and change drugs. We have more information about starting treatment on our website here:

  2. Sylvia

    Hi I tested positive in January this year I am so scared to take treatment because I’ve just started my new job. I am scared the treatment is going to make me sick. Please help me.

  3. Robin Jakob

    This kind of side effect is common with a drug called Efavirenz. If you are taking this you can speak to your clinic or doctor. They can tell you if there are others available. If you are not sure what is in your pill you can check the box.

  4. tshepi

    I started taking ARVs because i am pregnant and i can’t even sleep one night. I am a student. How long will the side effects go on?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Beauty

    When did these symptoms occur?

    It is important that a doctor know about this if these symptoms started after she started treatment.

    When people start treatment with a CD4 count that is lower than 50, sometimes new infections show up in the first 1-2 months.

    If these symptoms were there before, the the HIV treatment should help.

    It is good that your auntie started treatment, but please contact the doctor if the symptoms are still there.

  6. beauty

    My auntie just started odimune two weeks ago, she’s starting the 3rd week the problem is that she can’t walk anymore and her speech is also affected. Her tongue feels thick. I called for an ambulance but they say sge look fine to them.as a result they left her. I don’t know what is next.she is 52 years old. Is this serious and is it still side effects or something else.? Her cd4 count was 35 when we all fine out about being positive three weeks ago.

  7. Robin Jakob


    It is important to take your meds at the same time every day. This does not necessarily mean the same minute though. As a general rule if you take your medication within an hour of when you usually do this will not affect your treatment. So if you usually take your meds at 10pm you should take them between 9pm and 11pm.

  8. Jeff


    I am taking Tenofovir 300mg, Lamivudine 300mg, Efavirenz 600mg combined in the single dose every night.

    Due to my workload, I can hardly take the dinner at the fixed time every night. my dinner time sometime will be at between 7 to even late at 9 plus. And I take the med at 10pm. Thus, I am supposed to finish dinner by 8pm.

    I am concerning whether it is important i must to take it at 10 fixed for everynight ? or let s say if I finish my dinner at 9pm or should I just take it at 10pm or it is ok to be at 11?

    And If I take it before my bed time, If I sleep sometime at 12 and sometime at 1am? so doesn’t it still effective since I take it in different timing? Because Dr emphasised that I MUST to consistently take at the fixed time for the best result.

    It makes me feel kinda worried about the effectiveness. Please help..

    Thanks a lot.

  9. Simon Collins

    This is very common if your combination includes a medicine called efavirenz.

    See the original answer for more information:

  10. mr True

    hi my first day on arv i felt very dizzy and sleepiness. Is it normal to feel very dizzy and sleepiness on your first day?


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