Q and A


How long do efavirenz side effects last?

I just started with efavirenz and Truvada 10 days ago. I’m not sleeping properly and feel dizzy all the time.

Is this normal, and when will it get better?



The type of side effects you report are pretty common when starting efavirenz.

For most people the dizzyness starts to get easier to tolerate within the first week or two, but it sounds like you may be having a particularly difficult time.

One thing to check is that you are not taking your meds after dinner. Meals that contain a lot of fat increase efavirenz levels by about 60%. Efavirenz should not be take until at least two houf after food that contains a lot of fat. Taking efavirenz before bedtime means you are hopefully sleeping during the side effects.

It is up to you how long you want to give this before trying another drug. Although your clinic might suggest giving it more time, some people change within a week if they are badly affected.

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone by staying on a drug that doesn’t work for you. There are lots of other options and switching is easy.

There is more information on efavirenz at this link.

This answer was updated in January 2016 from a question first posted on 11 June 2011.


  1. Devender

    I’m new to meds. The dizziness is really bad.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Patrick,

    How are you coping with your diagnoses? Are you able to get any support?

    Feeling dizzy is a common side effect when starting meds that contain efavirenz. This is something that should go within a few weeks or get easier to tolerate. If it doesn’t you may need to change meds. Please see Q3 here:


    When you test in 6 months time your doctor should test your CD4 and viral load. Within this time your viral load should become undetectable and your CD4 should rise.

    One thing to know is that once you start meds, you should take them for life.

  3. Patrick

    I’ve just found out that I’m positive. My Dr put me on Atenef. I feel dizzy. He said I must take it for 6 months and then get tested again to see how I’m doing.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Chantelle,

    Feeling dizzy and having a loss of appetite is common when someone first starts meds that contain efavirenz. These usually go within a few weeks. If they don’t then you should talk to your doctor, as the above post explains. At the beginning its also very important to take them as prescribed.

    For more info about starting meds please see here:


    And living well with HIV:


  5. chantelle


    I started a week ago. I feel dizzy and I don’t have an appetite, what can I do?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Robin,

    For how to take efavirenz please see here:


  7. Robin

    How should I take efavirenz?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cymon,

    If you’re meds contain efavirenz, then yes its common to feel dizzy when you first start. This should go in a few weeks. Feeling sick is also common. If it gets too much, please see a doctor.

  9. Cymon

    I’ve just started my meds, I feel dizzy and sick are these side effects?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zodwa,

    A rash can be a sign of a serious side effect. Therefore, its important that you go and see your doctor as soon as possible.


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