
Does Atripla cause memory loss?

My memory has become bad since I’ve been taking Atripla. Does Atripla cause memory loss?



It is important to talk to your doctor any about specific symptoms.

This is because symptoms of side effects can be similar to symptoms of other illnesses. your doctor needs to look at your medical history and perhaps run other tests to answer this.

Efavirenz is one of the three drugs in Atripla. I can have side effects in some people that relate to moods, levels or anxiety or depression and other brain-related complications. So this may be related to the Atripla. See this link for info on efavirenz side effects.

Memory loss can also be related to ageing, worry, stress and complications related to the brain, but this would need testing.

It is common to think your memory is going, but whether this is a real effect is more complicated.

Giving your doctor examples of how your memory has changed will be very helpful. For example: Is this for short-term memory? This is very common independent of HIV and efavirenz –  ie where did I put my keys? what did I come to the shops to buy? what did I do last week? etc.

Or is it that you are forgetting things in the more distant past? Or facts that you used to know?


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Sorry Michael this sounds tough. Can you talk to the doctors about taking Atripla? We are not doctors at i-Base, but there is a link between things like bad dreams, dizzyness and mood changes with Atripla. So can you ask the doctors who treated your head injury to talk to your HIV clinic about your treatment with Atripla?

  2. Michael

    To be honest this has ruined my memory. I started taking the drug after I had a head injury and the doctors thought that I had a blood clot in my brain. I had an operation on the brain and believe that i did not need to have it and blame it on the drug. Nevertheless my viral load is undetectable so the benefit out ways the cost

  3. Simon Collins


    This sounds like something to talk to your doctor about. Sometimes memory loss is a normal part of ageing, sometimes it is a symptom of something else (perhaps anxiety, depression, poor sleep), and sometimes it is more serious. your doctor needs to carefully hear about your problems and then deice what to do.

    The only way to confirm whether this is a side effect of the efavirenz in Atripla, is to try switching to an alternative drug. There are many to choose from and it is easy to switch. When this is the case, most people notice the difference within a few days or the first week, and that this has a big impact on the quality of life afterwards.

  4. Jamie

    I’m having the same thing happen. I’ve been on Atripla for 6 years and I am constantly trying to remember people I know I’ve meet (their names at least), where I’ve met them, etc. it has really effected my memory at work. I deal with multiple clients and its impossible for me to remember all of the tasks I need to do for them. This has been in the past two years. I understand normal aging, but at 44 years old, with the progression of memory issues, I’ll be one hot mess by 50!

  5. Simon Collins

    If you have side effects, persist with your doctor to change. There is no point having great lab results if your quality of life is not good too. There are plenty of alternative meds and it is easy to switch.

  6. D. Field

    Yes, one of the side effects of Atripla is it’s effect on the neurological system. I’ve also had problems with memory since taking Atripla and will be discussing this further with my physician. The last time I brought it up to him he as a lot of doctors do, tried to make it seem as though it was something else, so that I could continue the medicinal regimen that’s obviously destroying me. It’s doing a great job too..and it seems to be working quicker than the actual virus.


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