Q and A


Why is my husband HIV negative when I am pregnant and HIV positive?

Hi , I am 36, married, and pregnant and have just found out that I am HIV positive, with CD4 of 239.

My question is I never get sick or have any symptoms that I am infected, so now I am worried that I maybe too late to start treatment, because they told me that I need to start when my CD4 count is about 350.

My mind still adjusting to the news cos its only weeks find out I am positive but I have the reason to live that is why I accept that life goes on, its the matter of changing lifestyle and live good healthy life style.

My other worry is that my husband tested 6 months ago and he said he tested negative, checking from that time do you think he lied to me about his result because now I six month pregnant and positive. Is it possible to check when I became HIV positive?


Thank you for your question.

As you asked a number of questions, I will respond to them one at a time.

Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy.

Although it might be difficult to learn you are HIV positive, it is much better that you found out now. Earlier is always better both for your health and for your baby. You are also right in taking a positive attitude about your life.

Even though your CD4 count is less than 350, you will still get a good response to HIV treatment (ART). The meds will help get you CD4 count become higher again and will protect the baby from HIV. The meds will also protect your husband from HIV in the future. Also, since 2015, ART is recommended for everyone, even at CD4 counts above 500.

Starting ART is important, so that your viral load can become undetectable when your baby is due to be born. This is because having an undetectable viral load is the best way for your baby to be HIV negative.

This guide to HIV and pregnancy has lots more information.

If your husband was HIV positive 6 months ago, it might be good for him to test again now. There is a small chance that he might have recently become HIV positive but that the test didn’t work. He might also really be HIV negative and has just continued to be lucky.

There are many couples were one partner is HIV positive, and the other is HIV negative, even when they haven’t been using condoms. Please follow this link for more information on such cases.

More information on sero-different couples (where one partner is HIV positive and the other is negative) is at this link. The answers to Q 5, 6 and 9 at this link might also help:

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and please let us know if we can help further or again in the future.

Note: This answer was updated in January 2018 and July 2016 from a question first posted online in November 2011.


  1. Smelokuhle

    3days back me and my partner went to the clinic for HIV testing and my result was positive and his came back negative… I never cheated on him.. We always have unprotected sex even if I’m bleeding we sleep without a protection… My question is how does such a thing happen… This year I tested Twice n my result was negative now it was my third time and they came back positive but I only sleep with him… Please help I’m confused

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Junior,

    Please see Q1 here: http://i-base.info/qa/

  3. Junior

    My partner is 5 months pregnant. She tested for HIV last month the result was positive, we both tested this week. Her result was still positive and mine was negative and we have been having unprotected sex upto monday this week. Q1 how long can HIV virus take to be detected from ones blood?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Agnes,

    Please see this similar question. So, if you’re on HIV treatment with an undetectable viral load, then yes you can breastfeed.

    But this is not recommended in all countries. For more info please see the following for the World Health Organisation:


  5. Agnes

    Good day I would like to find out if iam hiv positive can I breast feed a baby or not

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Big Champ,

    I’m sorry to hear about the recent diagnoses of your girlfriend and baby.

    There are many couples were one partner is HIV positive, and the other is HIV negative, even when they haven’t been using condoms. Please follow this link for more information on such cases.

    Also, it might be a good idea for you to test again just to confirm the result.

    But how are your girlfriend and baby doing? Have they started HIV treatment? Please let us know.

  7. Big Champ

    My girlfriend tested positive with our new born and I tested negative how so? Please help with information

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ziyanda,

    Skin is an excellent barrier against HIV, unless there is an open cut or open wound. Infectious fluid on skin is NOT a route for infection.

    Please see ways that HIV is not transmitted.

  9. Ziyanda

    I was helping someone who is HIV positive
    He had a nosebleed so I was cleaning the tub I didn’t have gloves that day I wrapped a plastic bag on my hand
    I took the person to the hospital
    I mentioned what happened to the dr that was assisting us and they told me I should drink Aluvia and adco emtevir to drink for a month the side effects r killing my muscles r sore I my tongue is bitter should I continue with them I know my status I always test each year please help what can I use I can’t exercise I always want to eat

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gugulethu,

    If your partner has tested positive, its really important that you don’t have unprotected sex with your partner. This is because there is a risk that you’ll contracted HIV, this is even if so far you’ve tested negative. If your partner was diagnosed in a hospital they way also want to monitor you as well.


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