Q and A


How can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?

I have just found out that I was HIV positive in March, last year. My CD4 count was 270.

I did another test and it was 284 and my doctor said I must start treatment.

I just want to know what I must do to increase my CD4 count without taking treatment.


Hi, how are you doing?

The only way to increase your CD4 is to use HIV treatment (ART).

Your doctor is giving you good information and advice.

Nothing else, including multivitamins, supplements or herbal remedies can increase your CD4 count. Looking after yourself is important – for example, eating a balanced diet, keeping physically and mentally active, reducing stress, sleeping well etc.  But increasing your CD4 count is only proven by using effective HIV meds.

Even though some companies advertise this vitamins and supplements can help your CD4 count, these are scams. There is no such thing as an “immune booster” and no “immune booster” will help your CD4 count or help control HIV.

Why do you want to delay ART or look at other options? HIV meds are really effective – this is what they were designed for.

ART stops HIV from replicating.  The main aim is to reduce your viral load to an undetectable level (less than 50 copies/mL). As your viral load goes down, your immune system start to repair itself.  This means that your CD4 count will slowly go up to higher levels again.

Currently South Africa recommendation starting treatment when the CD4 count is below 500 cells/mm3. This may change in the future and treatment might be recommended at any CD4 count. (Note: South African later changed to recommends treatment at any CD4 count).

Here is a link to more information about starting treatment.  Please take your time reading it and if you have any further questions do write back to me.

Are you receiving any support from other people? Getting support from your local support group or a counsellor can help you to come to terms living with HIV. Also you will be able to gain and share experiences with others who are in the similar situation as you, rather than having to deal with it in isolation.

This answer was updated in January 2019 and January 2016 from a question first posted on 2 March 2012.


  1. rao

    hello … past two months im sufring from regular fever and heavy waight loss before that im very healthy. so i was went for doctors suggestion he written hiv test that result was positive. im only 23 years old and even im not participated in s.x .im feeling very bad doctor told ur cd4 count is 13 why ur not doing any treatment? Immediately i was started medication co-trimoxozole and lamivudine and tenofovir for past 6 months. now im good but last month on words doctor suggested stop co-trimoxazole ans use another two medication now im getiing little feaver on evening times with little cough and mouth in-fections from every two months.

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Simon, it is great that your started ART and that your CD4 count was quite high when you started. How quickly the CD4 count increases varies a lot between different people. Most people see a small increase within the first 1-3 months. More importantly, your CD4 count is likely to increase steadily over the next few years.

  3. Simon

    My CD4 count is 290 and I started ART. How long does it take to increase my CD4 cells count?

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Michael, thanks for writing about your experience. Many other people report similar difficulties and there isn’t an easy answer. times are slowly changing though and there are still really good reasons not to give up hope. The Queen Latifah movie was really strong and the work you do to support other people might help you meet someone when you are least expecting it. This time of year can be tough if you are on your own. Having a network of friends and someone in your family who supports you makes it easier, but many people find this difficult too. I hope you are lucky in finding someone, and more importantly, that you find ways to enjoy every day, while you are looking.

  5. Michael

    I am a 60 years old African-Black-American straight man, and have been HIV Positive for 20 years. I am undetected by taking, “GENVOYA,” one tablet every night after I eat a snack before bed-time.
    The only problem I have is dating women, I’m honest and trusting, so when I reveal to the woman that I’m HIV Positive, they stop calling and seeing me. I have watched the DVD, “Queen Latifah, “LIFE SUPPORT”, which is an Excellent DVD that was inspired by a true story.
    I am the founder of a non-profit organization, elected community association president, and four classes remaining to obtain my AA degree from the community college with hopes to attend Howard University in the spring of 2018.
    It seem to me that I am isolated from being in a relationship with a woman, because I tell them I am HIV positive, and I am feeling isolated among family members that know I am HIV positive. In the past I have attempted to start a support group, but living in a small city even though it is the largest population on the Easton Shore of Maryland with 33k people, and people I know that’s HIV positive will not come to a meeting in support of one another.
    I set up a stand at the public library at least twice a month with a table that has literature on HIV/AIDS, and on Prostate Cancer. I am lonely, because I’m alone, segregated from those whom say they love me, and from being in a relationship with a straight woman, I am a straight man.
    I have been on POZ dating-site and even on that site there seem to be no women that are seeking to be in a relationship. I am lonely, and wish to be in a straight relationship with a straight woman, who may or may not be HIV positive.

  6. Katie

    My brother died on the 1 st October 2017. He was only 43 & HIV killed him. He lead the healthiest of lives 0& practiced yoga & Pilates daily. He refused to taking any HIV medications & believed all of he conspiracy theories around HIV being a concoction of pharmaceutical companies. My brother never told us he had HIV & there were no unusual signs he was ill. He’d had the flu for extended periods & had been more tired in he last 6 months but he didn’t suffer any major complications until the 48 hours before he died. He then suffered heart failure & multiple organ failure.
    His loss has devastated our family. The medication was there for him to take & he should be with us this Christmas. My brother survived 19 years without medication but his death was inevitabl without the drugs. I’m telling this story because I don’t want anyone to follow the same path. My brother loved life & his life was one lng holiday of travel. He should have grown old with us & lived an even fuller life. Please live yours & take the meds

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Novungamile,

    Do you feel like your drinking is becoming a problem? Do you know why you’re drinking? How much are you drinking?

    Drinking can be due to stress, and being diagnosed with HIV can be a very stressful time. Talking to someone might help. Is there a peer support group near to where you live?

  8. Novungamile

    I’m a 35yrs lady who just taking ARVs my problem is since I found out about my status am drinking alcohol which is new to me can anyone help me to stop this?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maropeng,

    Because your CD4 count is less than 200 its important that you take ARVs. For more info, please see here:


    You should also follow the advice that’s in the above link. Immune boosters won’t be helping your HIV.

    You may also find out starting meds guide helpful:


  10. maropeng

    Hey my name maropeng i just want to know if my cd4 count is 164 am not taking hiv meds am just taking immune boost its possible to increase my cd4 count…


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