Q and A


Can I take Tribuss with food?

Hi! I am 35 years and started taking my tribuss pill in February 2012. My problem is that I cant take the pill on an empty stomach. Can this make the pill to disfunction?



Thank-you for your question.

Tribuss is a generic combination treatment which contains three HIV drugs. These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. In the UK, this combination in a single pill is called Atripla.

Tribuss is usually recommended to be taken on an empty stomach is to reduce side effects. This is up to 60% more efavirenz is absorbed if it is taken with a high fat meal.

This would mean there is more efavirenz than you need and you may be more likely to get side effects. Side effects from efavirenz include dizziness, mood changes and sleep disturbance. Please follow this link for more information about efavirenz side effects.

However, the increased levels of efavirenz are connected to a high fat meal.

If you prefer to take Tribuss with some food this is fine, just not with fatty foods.

Please let me know if you have any more questions!


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Taking a double dose by accident on rare occasions shouldn’t cause serious harm. So your brother should be able to go back to taking it again in the evening.

    It’s recommended that Tribuss is taken at night because it sometimes causes dizziness. This side effect is noticed much more if you’re up and about. So it’s a good idea to take it at night. This means you’re sleeping when the side effect might happen.

  2. beverley

    Hi my brother just started on tribuss last week. My mom gives him the tab but she made mistake today she gives him the tab at night. Today she gave it this morning. Please advice must he take it again tonight?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Juergen

    There is not differecne between Atripla and Trubuss – just different manufactures – and a much lower cost.

    Both drugs have the same active ingreients.

  4. Juergen

    I was on Atripla for years I’ve just switched to Tribuss cause of the access I’ve to pay on my medical aid, will there any difference in my prognosis, viral load and CD4 count cause I’ve very good treatment results on Atripla ?

  5. Robin Jakob


    This is a common side effect of efavirenz, one of the drugs in Tribuss. He could ask his clinic or doctor if there are any alternatives available.

    You can find more information Tribuss here:

  6. Mpho

    My husband has been taking Tribuss for a year and he really struggles with insomnia.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Delani, what info do you need. The i-Base site has info on each drug from the link page here:

  8. Delani

    I need more explanation about this pills

  9. Robin Jakob


    He should speak to his doctor or clinic. They might be able to recommend a treatment for his runny tummy. I not they can tell him if they have other HIV medication available.

  10. Yum-yum

    Good Morning

    My husband is HIV+, he doesn’t miss any day without his treatment. I make sure that.after he changed to tribus he is always having running tummy.
    It worries me because he is losing wait. His CD4Count is good.
    Thank you in advance


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