Q and A


Can I take Tribuss with food?

Hi! I am 35 years and started taking my tribuss pill in February 2012. My problem is that I cant take the pill on an empty stomach. Can this make the pill to disfunction?



Thank-you for your question.

Tribuss is a generic combination treatment which contains three HIV drugs. These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. In the UK, this combination in a single pill is called Atripla.

Tribuss is usually recommended to be taken on an empty stomach is to reduce side effects. This is up to 60% more efavirenz is absorbed if it is taken with a high fat meal.

This would mean there is more efavirenz than you need and you may be more likely to get side effects. Side effects from efavirenz include dizziness, mood changes and sleep disturbance. Please follow this link for more information about efavirenz side effects.

However, the increased levels of efavirenz are connected to a high fat meal.

If you prefer to take Tribuss with some food this is fine, just not with fatty foods.

Please let me know if you have any more questions!


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nox, this is brilliant news! Thanks for the update!

  2. Nox

    Hi friends i have recently recivied good news from my doctor. My cd 4 count has improve from 336 to 574 and viral load was 45000, now is 40 plz use your medication.

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Musa,

    There’s very little evidence that multivitamins have health benefits, and also very little information about potential interactions. It’s important to tell your doctor or pharmacist about everything you are taking. This is the same for cold medicines and any weight gain supplements.

    The weight loss you mention isn’t clinically significant. But if you are worried about this please speak to your doctor. The change from Atripla to Tribuss shouldn’t change anything but do let your doctor know if you notice anything different.

  4. Musa

    Good day,

    I started Atripla 5 months ago. I never had any side effects. I’m currently also taking Procidyn, DS 24 (multivitamin) and, as of last month, started on an average 3gram vitamin C. The only thing that happens is that I pass a lot of wind and my metabolism is quiet high. I usually have mild diarroeah when I have skipped Procydin.

    Of late, I have had comments about having lost weight. I do gym and the last time I checked, I was 67kg, which dropped from 70kg. I’m thinking of taking a protein shake to gain some weight.

    Are there any side effects from the meds mentioned?
    Though I feel fine (with occasional colds and coughing), is it wise to take someting for gaining weight?
    Also, are colds medication going to affect the effectiveness of Atripla?
    Lastly, I’ve just started on Tribuss since yesterday. I don’t suppose that will change anything?

    Looking forward to your response.

  5. debby

    I’ve started to take tribuss a few weeks ago. Now I have itchy feet most of the time, especially if I ever wear high heel shoes. Is that also one of the side effect or should I consult my doctor with this issue or it will go away once my body get used to medicine. My vagina is also very dry is it normal to be like that?

  6. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Debby,
    These are not common side effects of tribuss so it’s important to talk to your doctor about both of these symptoms.

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    I can’t say for certain that this won’t have caused resistance. But by being adherent now and not missing future doses you make this much less likely. With effective treatment you can plan for the future as you would have if you didn’t have HIV.

  8. Nox

    So now wont be any problem. Since i miss these doses? Are there any chances to survive long time, since i am taking treatment properly and i am not prepared to miss any of my doses again.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Noly,
    Side effects should improve after the first few weeks of treatment. You can take painkillers to help with headaches, and please speak to your doctor if these don’t improve, or if you are worried.

  10. nolyy

    Just started only 1 day ago with Tribuss and I’m shaking and have a bad headache. Is there nothing I can take to alleviate the side effects?


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