Q and A


Is there a difference between Atripla, Odimune, Rizene and Tribuss etc


I started with Atripla, then received Odimune and now I have been given Tribuss from my provider.

I have never had side effects. How safe is it for me to take Tribuss?

I’m afraid it might change how I look. Is it the same as the two I have already been taking?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one version to another.

Although some HIV meds have been linked to body shape changes, this is not commonly reported for any of these drugs. One exception, generally rare, is that efavirenz has been linked to weight gain in breast tissue – also called gynaecomastia (GYE-na-co-MAS-tee-ah).


Efavirenz-associated gynaecomastia reported to the national HIV and TB healthcare workers hotline in South Africa

Dihydrotestosterone for HAART-associated breast enlargement in men

This answer was updated on 12 July 2020 from an original question on 21 May 2013.


  1. Thalitha motaung

    I have been using odimune for a year now so they gave me atroiza and I only realize when I arrieve at home.so should I go back to the clinic and show them or ask if they make mistake or should I just carry on?

  2. Robin Jakob


    Odimune and Tribuss are both generic versions (copies) of a pill called Atripla. They all contain the same three meds and work in the same way. They only have different names because they are made by different companies.

  3. Loveness

    Odimune was good but now they are giving me Tribuss is it good to change this tablet during pregnancy because ifeel different now and what CD4 count should you start this tablet on?

  4. Robin Jakob


    It usually takes two or three to get used to most new HIV medication. This is because you body is adjusting.

  5. zikhona

    How long it takes to get used tribuss ?

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Phthomas

    In the UK, Odimune is not used for shift workers. This is because of the risk of side effects, including feeling dizzy. Odimune is called Atripla in the UK and there is more info here:

    A year is too long for you to still be feeling like this.

    Please talk to your doctor and say directly how you feel and how it is affecting your life. Say how is is stopping you working safely.

    I don’t know which country you live in, but there is nearly always an alternative you could switch to. In the UK there are several easy alternatives to switch to.

    Even if some of these option involve taking perhaps two or three pills a day, rather than just one, this may be much better for your quality of life.

  7. Phthomas

    How long it takes to get used to Odimune? I have been in Odimune for a year but still feel dizzy all the time and i am a shift worker. It worries me at times.

  8. Robin Jakob


    Tribuss and Atroiza are both generic versions (copies) of a pill called Atripla. They contain the same meds. They only have different names because they’re made by different companies.

  9. vivian

    I started taking tribuss in 2013. After 6 months the doctor changed me to Atrioza. Is there a difference between the two tablets?

  10. Simon Collins

    Yes. See the answer above. They all contain the same active meds.


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