Q and A


Is there a difference between Atripla, Odimune, Rizene and Tribuss etc


I started with Atripla, then received Odimune and now I have been given Tribuss from my provider.

I have never had side effects. How safe is it for me to take Tribuss?

I’m afraid it might change how I look. Is it the same as the two I have already been taking?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one version to another.

Although some HIV meds have been linked to body shape changes, this is not commonly reported for any of these drugs. One exception, generally rare, is that efavirenz has been linked to weight gain in breast tissue – also called gynaecomastia (GYE-na-co-MAS-tee-ah).


Efavirenz-associated gynaecomastia reported to the national HIV and TB healthcare workers hotline in South Africa

Dihydrotestosterone for HAART-associated breast enlargement in men

This answer was updated on 12 July 2020 from an original question on 21 May 2013.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Chris,

    Please see the above post.

  2. Chris

    I have been taking Tribus and now my doctor prescribed Atroiza for me. Is it the same drug. Any side effects?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Violet, odimune is a generic version of Atripla. This meaning that both Atripla and odimune contain the same ingredients. Please see here:


    Therefore, this is OK.

  4. violet

    I was on odimune, now the Dr has given me atripla. Is it ok or not?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kate,

    If you’re living in South Africa tribuss, which is a generic of Atripla, (please see here):


    is free and is available at a lot of clinics. If this works for you then you can continue taking it. It you aren’t using medical aid any more, then a public clinic will be able to give your ARVs. It may also be worth talking to your doctor.

    If you aren’t in South Africa, where are you living?

  6. Kate

    I use to get tribuss an burbac on medical aid. Now I’m longer using the medical aid. Is there anyway I can get them at the clinic, and which one? Or must I ask my doctor to write for me a script for substitutes.Cause I did not have any problem with them.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sbo,

    There is no evidence to say that there will be a drug interaction.

  8. Sbo

    Hi im on Odimune and Bactrim treatments , is this combination safe for me ?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Johnson

    Thanks, Atreslawin is another generic version of Atripla.

    A longer list of similar generics is included here:

  10. johnson

    What is atreslawin for?


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