Q and A


Is there a difference between Atripla, Odimune, Rizene and Tribuss etc


I started with Atripla, then received Odimune and now I have been given Tribuss from my provider.

I have never had side effects. How safe is it for me to take Tribuss?

I’m afraid it might change how I look. Is it the same as the two I have already been taking?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one version to another.

Although some HIV meds have been linked to body shape changes, this is not commonly reported for any of these drugs. One exception, generally rare, is that efavirenz has been linked to weight gain in breast tissue – also called gynaecomastia (GYE-na-co-MAS-tee-ah).


Efavirenz-associated gynaecomastia reported to the national HIV and TB healthcare workers hotline in South Africa

Dihydrotestosterone for HAART-associated breast enlargement in men

This answer was updated on 12 July 2020 from an original question on 21 May 2013.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Veronica,

    Please see a doctor about the herpes, they should be able to prescribe something for you.It could be a reaction to the Atripla.

  2. Veronica

    am on Atripla for a week and 5 days now. …after 3 day’s i develop a serious herpes on my buttocks then went to the pharmaceutical they prescribe me this cream BT tho am now in a serious now its spreading the whole buttocks to my vagina

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nhlanhla,
    Atroiza contains the same main drug that you have been taking, which is efavirenz. Abacavir contains two other drugs which are different to those in Atroiza, but they are the same class of drug. So it is possible to take Atroiza instead. You can contact Treatment Action Campaign for support in difficulties like this. They might be able to help with advice about medicine supplies.

  4. Nhlanhla

    I have been taking abacavir and efivirens and the clinic of vanderbijlpark is on strike, now I have run out of medication. Is it possible to take atroiza until the strike is over?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bax,

    This can happen when someone is new to Trivenz, this is why its recommended to take it before going to bed. If you do work shift it may be a good idea to ask your doctor if you can have ARVs that don’t contain efavirenz. Please also see Q3 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  6. Bax

    hi I have 5 days taking my trivenz and I here that you must take it same time so I am changing shift and when I used it I feel dizzy at work I can not concentrate

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sims,
    Atripla and Tribuss contain the same meds. They are just made by different companies so they have different names. But sight loss is not a reported side effect. It’s important that you talk to your doctor about this urgently. Please ask to see an eye doctor to make sure you don’t have an eye infection.

  8. sims

    Hi Miss
    I was taking Atrippla since 2007 , now I switched to Tribuss because I cant afford to buy atrippla . I have three months started Tribuss and I loosing my eye sight

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Miss,

    Atanef and Odiumne are both generic versions of Atripla. What this means is that they contain the same compounds as the above post explains. There isn’t any difference between them. Therefore, its perfectly fine and safe to use different brands of what is in effect the same medication.

  10. Miss

    I have been using atanef for 3month. Now I’ve been given odimune, is fair or OK?I struggled a lot to get used to atanef and now this.I’m really sad and feel its not fair. Why don’t this people stick to one name? Though they claim its same but how does this atanef treat me well then odimune different.. I’m in pain please help.


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