Q and A


Is there a difference between Atripla, Odimune, Rizene and Tribuss etc


I started with Atripla, then received Odimune and now I have been given Tribuss from my provider.

I have never had side effects. How safe is it for me to take Tribuss?

I’m afraid it might change how I look. Is it the same as the two I have already been taking?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one version to another.

Although some HIV meds have been linked to body shape changes, this is not commonly reported for any of these drugs. One exception, generally rare, is that efavirenz has been linked to weight gain in breast tissue – also called gynaecomastia (GYE-na-co-MAS-tee-ah).


Efavirenz-associated gynaecomastia reported to the national HIV and TB healthcare workers hotline in South Africa

Dihydrotestosterone for HAART-associated breast enlargement in men

This answer was updated on 12 July 2020 from an original question on 21 May 2013.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Nokwazi. Thanks. Please ask your clinic is your treatment has been changed to TDL just for one month – or whether this will be your new treatment from now on? Many countries are now changing most people from using Atroiza to TDL. This is because TDL is a newer treatment that is generally better and with less risk of side effects.

    There is a small chance you were just prescribed this one month. But it is much more likely your treatment has been changed to TLD from no on. This is very safe and you might find that you sleep better. TLD needs to be taken in the morning. Atroiza needs to be taken at night.

    Atroiza contains tenofovir DF, emtricitabine and efavirenz.

    TDL contains tenofovir DF, emtricitabine and dolutegravir.

  2. Nokwazi

    Need to ask is it possible to take Atrozia one month, and the next month the clinic supply you with TDL? Will this cause problems?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Juliah,

    It’s perfectly safe to take odiume when pregnant, so yes it’s OK to continue taking it if you fall pregnant.

  4. Juliah

    Hi please I want to know if it’s okay for me to try to get pregnant while I’m taking odimune pill will it affect the bby if IL b pregnant?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Worried,

    Acriptega is a generic version of tenofovir DF, lamivudine (3TC) and dolutegravir. This single pill is sometimes called TLD.

    Heftenum is the same combination as Atroiza and Tribuss. Please see this link to the list of generic ARVs.

    But how is the treatment going? And please let us know about your CD4 and viral load results if you have access to them.

  6. #worried

    Hi, I have been given Acriptega for the first time, i am used to Atroiza, Heftenam and Tribuss. Is Acriptega the same combination of Atroiza and the other 2?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lillian,

    Trivenz is a generic version of Atripla, please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/1561. You can take any of the meds that are listed in the link. You’ll need to ask your pharmacy what they have in stock.

    TLD is being rolled out in a lot of countries, with South Africa being one of these. If you want to change to this combination, you’ll need to talk to your doctor. It doesn’t contain the same compounds as Trivenz.

    ARVs are free in most countries. However, if for some reason you have to pay for medication, your health care provider should be able to tell you how much TLD costs.

    Weight loss isn’t something that’s common with modern day ARVs, if anything people gain weight.


    Hi i have been taking Trivenz 11 months now, so the pharmacy around dont have stock anymore , which pill do you recommend that has the same ingredients with trivenz, andcan you explain TLD for me , how much is it ? When is it going to be available at clinics and pharmacy, how much is TLD , does it have same ingredients with trivenz , is novavit plus good for supplement if ur on trivenz, what can cause weight loss when you are taking both?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Urgent.

    What’s the name of the medication that you’re using? What does your friend use? If the meds have the same compounds, then yes it would be OK to use an emergency supply. However, your friend will need to ensure that they aren’t left without.
    If the meds aren’t the same are you able to get access before the end of the week? Missing a few days will be OK, but after that your viral load will start to rebound.

  10. Urgent!!!!!!

    Hi. I have been taking the generic versions of the ARV drug which I understand is the first level of treatment. I have run out and already missed yesterday. I asked a friend to check if the dosage of each drug in his pill is the same as mine. If so will it be okay for me take it until I am able to retrieve my own meds? Instead of missing out the whole week?


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