Q and A


My viral load has risen to 89 copies/mL, is this OK?

I’ve been undetectable for the last 2 years, however my latest result was 89 copies/mL, should I be worried?

My doctor said that I should have my viral load tested again in 6 months time.

Just to add, I adhere to my meds and I’m taking Atripla.


Thanks for getting in touch.

If your viral load has been undetectable for the last two years and you’re adhering to your medication, this could simply be a lab error.

Though your doctor has said that you should wait 6 months for a viral load test, in the UK this would be checked with a second test after four weeks.

Just to note, a viral load is 89 copies mL is still called undetectable (based on a cut off of 200 copies/mL.

If the test you are using has a cut-off of 50 copies/mL and are good with adherence, then this is more likely to just be a blip rather than a real rebound.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Juliet, no you cannot pass on HIV even without using a condom.

    As you have a viral load below 200, there is no risk of transmission. This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  2. Juliet

    My viral road is 89 copies can I pass on avirus to my husband

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Anon, please don’t worry right now but do have the test in April. This might be undetectable again but until you get the results it is difficult to know. Please continue to be really careful at taking your meds on time until then. Please also let us knowhow you get on with the results. If your clinic lets you test a bit earlier this is also good.

  4. Anonymous 09

    Hi. my virial load was 76 copies last year around june when i tested, and thus year january i tested again and today (march) i got my results, now my viral load has gone up to 430 copies, im expected to test again next month (april) should i be worried? Because im adhering to my medication. What should i do for my viral load to be low faster. I’m in south africa

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mpumi, you have an excellent viral load. When your viral load is below 200 it means you cannot pass on HIV via sex. This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/uu-undetectable-untransmittable

    As your viral load is being suppressed by your medication, your CD4 count is not at risk of going down. Your CD4 count should go up to within a healthy range (430-1690). As your viral load is suppressed, HIV is unable to destroy your CD4 cells and so your immune system will be able to recover.

  6. Mpumi

    Good afternoon. I would like to ask a question about Hiv,my viral load is 91,what does it mean, I’m u at risk of my cd4 count go down,will I be sick?I’m I going to infect my partner?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Philip,

    What does your doctor say about the viral load?

    Have you been taking Biktarvy for many months? All modern ART is great at reducing viral load in the first days and weeks of treatment. Please see this page from ART in Pictures. This shows how ART can reduce viral load by more than 90% in the first days and weeks.

    But you can ask your doctor if Biktarvy is not working as well as it should. You can ask if you need to change or switch HIV meds.

    Being undetectable with a viral load of less than 50 means that HIV can not be transmitted even if you don’t use condoms. However, the Partner study used 200 copies as the cut off for viral load. Please see this link for info about Partner 1 and 2.

  8. Philip

    I have taken my Biktarvy one year now and my viral load still remains 75 do I have to be worried to have sex with my partner? Without protecting


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