
How fast should my CD4 increase?

My cd4 increased from 63 to 278 after 3 months on ART. Is this increase on expected lines or is it slow? Also I was diagnosed in October 2021. Any approximate time when I was infected? When will my cd4 reach 500?


Hi, how are you doing?

Your CD4 count increase is great. Increasing from 63 to 278 is very good. While viral load can become undetectable soon (within a month), increasing CD4 count can take time. In the first 3 months, this is when CD4 count will increase the most.

As you have started from 63, getting a CD4 count above 500 is not guaranteed. Unfortunately at this point HIV will have had a significant impact on your immune system and complete recovery might not be possible. This being said, how well your CD4 count has already increased is an excellent sign that it is possible. This is a link that shows how CD4 count at diagnosis and expected CD4 count recovery count.

Please see this question about when you may have been exposed. Unfortunately due to the large differences between people and initial CD4 counts and viral load, determining a timeline of exposure and a more thorough history would be needed – not that this always can help identify when.



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