HIV positive people

All our resources relevant to people who are HIV positive.

U=U (Polish)

NIEWYKRYWALNE (UNDETECTABLE) miano wirusaoznacza, że wirus HIVJEST NIEMOŻLIWY DO PRZEKAZANIA (UNTRANSMITTABLE) Czy wiesz, że stwierdzenie niewykrywalnego miana wirusa podczas terapii wirusa HIV (ART) zatrzymuje jego przekazywanie? Terapia ART to dobry krok w kierunku zachowania zdrowia zarówno dla nosiciela wirusa jak …

U=U (Mandarin)

检测不到病毒载量意味着HIV无法传播 您知道吗?HIV 经ART(抗逆转录病毒疗法)治疗后病毒载量达到检测不到的水平即可阻断HIV 传播。 ART不仅有利于您的健康,还能保护您的伴侣。 U=U意味着您不再需要使用安全套,如果您使用的目的只是为了预防HIV 传染。 英国主流医生和研究人员鼎力支持U=U 声明: “如果患者血液中的HIV 始终维持在检测不到的水平,那么他们就不会把HIV 传染给性伴侣,这一点毋庸置疑” 英国艾滋病学会主席Chloe Orkin 教授 英国准则规定,HIV医生应当将ART 阻断病毒传播的疗效告诉患者。 什么是U=U? U=U 表示: Undetectable(检测不到)=Untransmittable(传播不了) 意思是只要患者经ART 治疗后血液中检测不到HIV 病毒就不会传播HIV,即便不使用安全套或暴露前预防用药。 U=U有什么条件? 来自ART 的保护取决于: 每天接受ART 治疗。 继续每天服药。 为什么U=U 没有风险? 简单地说,检测不到HIV 病毒载量意味着性液中的病毒数量达不到感染所需的水平。 所以,检测不到病毒载量即表示HIV 经性传播的风险下降到零。 U=U适用于所有HIV 药物吗? 是的。任何ART 治疗只要能够使病毒载量达到检测不到的水平,就能实现U=U。 …

U=U (German)

EINE NICHT NACHWEISBARE (UNDETECTABLE) Viruslastbedeutet, dass HIVNICHT ÜBERRAGBAR (untransmittable) ist Wussten Sie, dass bei einer nicht nachweisbaren Viruslast mit HIV-Behandlung (ART) keine HIV-Übertragung stattfindet? ART ist nicht nur gut für Ihre Gesundheit – es schützt auch Ihre Partner.. U=U bedeutet, …

U=U (French)

Une charge virale indétectable signifie que le VIH EST NON TRANSMISSIBLE Saviez-vous qu’avoir une charge virale indétectable sur le traitement du VIH (ART) arrête la transmission du VIH ? Le traitement ART (antirétroviral) n’est pas seulement bon pour votre santé, il protège …

U=U (arabic)

الحمل الفيروسيغير قابل للاكتشاف يعني أنفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (الإيدز)غير قابل للانتقال هل تعلم أن الإصابة بحمل فيروسي غير قابل للاكتشاف عند علاج فيروس نقص المناعة (العلاج المضاد للفيروسات الارتجاعية “ART“) يمنع انتقال فيروس نقص المناعة؟ العلاج المضاد للفيروسات الارتجاعية …

Modern ART and pregnancy

It is also part of Modern ART for Africa. This is a small pocket leaflet about HIV drugs (ART) and pregnancy. This leaflet includes information about the the recent concern linked to taking dolutegravir when conceiving a baby and during the …

Modern ART for Africa…

Resources with Treatment Action Campaign on modern ART in Africa…

U=U resources for UK clinics

i-Base have produced new resources to help raise the profile of U=U in UK clinics. A3 colour posters A6 double-sided post cards U=U factsheet leaflets: Q&A format to explain U=U in more detail. This leaflet is formatted to print in …

Pocket HIV and hepatitis C guide

As i-Base is an HIV project, these resources are about HIV and hepatitis C coinfection. Although it can be a difficult to have both infections, the good news is that there is effective treatment for both HIV and hepatitis C …

Current UK studies (selected)

The following studies are a few of those currently running in the UK. This listing is mainly for independent research studies rather than studies run by pharmaceutical companies. Information may change as study enrolment status changes. There in no online …

START study

The START study showed that HIV treatment has important benefits for your health, even if your CD4 count is still high. This international study was one of the most important HIV studies from the last ten years. The study results …

Science support resources

The following resources are to help learn about scientific aspects of HIV. ART in pictures: HIV treatment explained (2017) Clinical trials: a guide to HIV research (2015) HIV genome – excellent resource that explains the genetic structure of HIV. Science learning modules …

HIV treatment guides

Our easy to read guides to combination therapy

PrEP on Channel 4 news: community activists on need for PrEP in UK now…

On 16 December 2015, Channel 4 news include a short story about PrEP. Watch on YouTube. The report included interviews with activists from i-Base and the community PrEP organisations I Want PrEP Now and Prepster. We hope this raises the …

START study – important benefits even for people with a high CD4 count

START study START is probably the most important HIV study for at least the last ten years. It was designed to look at the benefits and risks of early HIV treatment (ART). In May 2015, results showed that ART has important …

PIVOT study: protease inhibitor monotherapy

Note: the PIVOT study is now closed. Results were presented at CROI 2014 and the BHIVA/BASHH in 2014. PIVOT stands for “Protease Inhibitor monotherapy Versus Ongoing Triple-therapy in the long term management of HIV infection”. The PIVOT study is the largest UK trial for …

UK seroconverters study

The UK Register of HIV seroconverters study is an observational database study of people who are diagnosed with HIV when they are still in very early infection. This study was set up in 1994 and is ongoing. Enrolment criteria include …

Thinking of joining a study

Sometimes you may be asked to consider joining a research study. Or you may already be interested in whether you can help as part of research. Ongoing medical research is essential to increasing our understanding of both HIV and treatment. Participating in …

Your HIV questions answered

Ask a question. Recent questions and answers. We provide personal answers to your questions about HIV treatment. Our answers are based on the latest guidelines and research and presented in non-technical language. Anwsers are written by treatment advocates and are …

Think you may be positive?

If you have not had an HIV-test, but think you may be positive then why not test? There are many reasons to test. A routine sexual health check-up every year that includes HIV is recommended for anyone who is sexually …

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