Paediatric care

Once a day lamivudine and abacavir, and abacavir hypersensitivity in the ARROW trial

HIV, the brain and children

Pregnancy outcomes in HAART exposed infants in Johannesburg

Treating children previously exposed to single dose nevirapine

Population pharmacokinetic model of nevirapine maternal to infant transfer through breastfeeding

Phenotypic and genotypic inhibitory quotients and virologic response in treatment experienced children

Tenofovir pharmacokinetics in three tenofovir-containing regimens in children and adolescents

Pharmacokinetic studies in very young infants

Double-dose lopinavir/ritonavir provides insufficient lopinavir exposure in children receiving rifampicin

PI-based ART in children with HIV and HIV/TB coinfection in South Africa

Etravirine dose selection in children aged 6 to 17

Children on HAART do extremely well at South African clinic

Lack of efficacy of isoniazid (INH) prophylaxis and PK evaluation in South African infants

48-week data for darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r) in treatment-experienced children and adolescents

Greater lipodystrophy risk in older US children with low viral load

Antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive children in Southern Africa

New paediatric formulations of ARVs

Late diagnosis in adolescence of vertically acquired HIV infection

WHO recommends treating all HIV-infected infants aged less than 12 months

Plasma concentrations and virologic evaluations after stopping NNRTI treatment in PENTA 11

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in young children initiating ART

Complications with BCG vaccination in HIV-positive and negative infants: CHER Study

The association between clinical characteristics and HIV-infection in very young infants

Safety and efficacy of boosted darunavir in treatment-experienced children and adolescents at 24 weeks

Responses to atazanavir-containing HAART in treatment-naive children in South Africa

Initial growth, CD4, and viral load responses to HAART in Ugandan compared to UK/Irish HIV-positive children

Paediatric pharmacokinetic studies

A pilot study of three treatment strategies for HIV-positive infants

US paediatric guidelines updated (2008)

New paediatric dosing recommendations for atazanavir

Predictors of mortality in untreated HIV-positive children

Pharmacokinetics of lopinavir/ritonavir in infants less than 12 months of age

Half-dose Kaletra tablet approved for paediatric use in the US

Risk factors for early mortality for children receiving divided adult fixed dose combination tablets in Malawi

Antiretroviral therapy initiated before 12 weeks of age reduces early mortality in young infants; interim results from the CHER study

First paediatric fixed dose triple combination (Pedimune) is approved by FDA for use in PEPFAR

Caution in dosing paediatric oral solution of Kaletra

Paediatric formulation of fosamprenavir approved in the US

Deferred treatment arm of CHER study stopped

Treating children in resource-limited settings

Pharmacokinetics of nevirapine, d4T, and 3TC in Zambian children treated with Pedimune (Triomune)

New PK data for protease inhibitors

Plasma concentrations of efavirenz and lopinavir in children with and without rifampicin-based TB treatment

NNRTI vs PI HAART regimens for children in resource-limited settings

Predictors of infant mortality

Increasing antiretroviral access for children

WHO paediatric recommendations

Masking the flavour of antiretrovirals in Thai children

Multi-drug resistance in vertically infected children

Wide disparity in switch to second-line therapy among children in CHIPS cohort

US guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in paediatric HIV infection revised (2006)

Children face a serious service delivery gap: paediatric studies in Toronto

Bioavailability study results for new paediatric tablets for oral suspension, and caution against splitting adult doses

Pharmacokinetic and virological evaluations after stopping NNRTIs in children: a substudy of the PENTA 11 (TICCH) Trial

3TC/abacavir maintains virological superiority over AZT/3TC and AZT/abacavir beyond 5 years in children

Pharmacokinetics for generic fixed dose combinations for children are comparable to the branded products

Caution against dividing adult FDCs (Triomune) for young children

University of Liverpool audit of paediatric TDM

Age-dependent pharmacokinetics of 3TC in children

Use of small sample drug level monitoring for paediatric PI concentrations

Intracellular and plasma measurements of AZT and 3TC and their metabolites in neonates

Once-daily FTC, ddI, and efavirenz in children and adolescents

Simplified triple NRTI regimen effective in vertically infected children: two years follow-up

Long-term clinical and biological outcomes in children vertically infected with HIV

Prospective follow up of children with lipodystrophy

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