Q and A


Can my CD4 count show how long I’ve been positive?

I was dagnosed with HIV this year and my CD4 count was 387. Can the CD4 count determine how long i have had the virus?

What are the type of meal should i eat to keep my CD4 count high and when is the right time to start ARV’s?



Thanks, you ask a few questions, that I will briefly answer here, but see the links for more detailed answers.

Firstly, I hope you are getting support to help understand HIV – it is good that you are finding out answers to your questions.

No test can say when you were infected – unless you think this was within the last 6 months or so. See: early infection and RITA testing. This is not available in all countries.

When to start treatment depends on where you live because different countries have different guidelines. Most guidelines say that starting when the CD4 count is around 350 is a good time. It sounds like your doctor should talk to you about this, but getting another CD4 count is also a good idea.

See: CD4 counts and starting treatment and Who needs treatment.

It is good to eat a health balanced diet, to be physically and mentally active, and to stop smoking etc. However, diet by itself cannot keep your CD4 count high. Only HIV treatment (ARVs) have been proven to be effective at having this impact on your long-term health.

This guide has more information about treatment: Introduction to Combination Therapy


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cathrine,

    It’s good to hear your CD4 count is 763. That’s in the normal range for someone who is HIV negative.

    But please ask the nurse if your HIV meds are working as well as they should. The aim of HIV treatment (ART) is to reduce your viral load to below 50 copies/mL. You can ask for another viral load test. If it’s still over 50, please ask to change treatment to new HIV meds that will work better.

    Please let us know how you get on.

  2. Cathrine

    I went to check my yearly blood results today and my viral load is 7160 and my CD4 count is 763. And when asking the nurse what they mean she said my viral load is very high. And when i google viral load in a healthy person it says when is 10 000 is low and mine is below 10 000 but they say is high. So I’m confused coz I take my medications.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kowsk,

    Homeopathic medicine won’t be helping your HIV. Only ARVs can do this. Are you yet to start these? Are you aware of your CD4 count?

    Hair loss and skin problems can be due to a number of reasons, therefore this is something that should be discussed with a doctor.

  4. kowsk


    I have severe hair fall & skin dryness problems. I am HIV+. I am started using homeopathy medicine.These problems are due to HIV only? This homeopathy medicine can help to cure these problems?


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