Q and A


Can my CD4 count show how long I’ve been positive?

I was dagnosed with HIV this year and my CD4 count was 387. Can the CD4 count determine how long i have had the virus?

What are the type of meal should i eat to keep my CD4 count high and when is the right time to start ARV’s?



Thanks, you ask a few questions, that I will briefly answer here, but see the links for more detailed answers.

Firstly, I hope you are getting support to help understand HIV – it is good that you are finding out answers to your questions.

No test can say when you were infected – unless you think this was within the last 6 months or so. See: early infection and RITA testing. This is not available in all countries.

When to start treatment depends on where you live because different countries have different guidelines. Most guidelines say that starting when the CD4 count is around 350 is a good time. It sounds like your doctor should talk to you about this, but getting another CD4 count is also a good idea.

See: CD4 counts and starting treatment and Who needs treatment.

It is good to eat a health balanced diet, to be physically and mentally active, and to stop smoking etc. However, diet by itself cannot keep your CD4 count high. Only HIV treatment (ARVs) have been proven to be effective at having this impact on your long-term health.

This guide has more information about treatment: Introduction to Combination Therapy


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mildred,

    No one can force someone to take medication. If he’s aware of your status and he’s not interested in using protection, then the risk is his, and his alone. Not yours.

    Its good to hear though that your on meds, this is really important.

  2. Mildred

    Hi, I found out that I’m Hiv positive on 28 August I started take ARVs treatment then, I’ve problem with my Fiancée I’m staying with him and he doesn’t want to go to the clinic and we also don’t use protection, who’s going to be to much affected?

  3. Robin Jakob


    You’ll find the information you are looking for in the answer above.

  4. Octacia

    I’ve just discovered that i’m HIV positive and my cd4 count is 350. I need to know if my cd4count can show how long i’ve been living with the disease.

  5. Robin Jakob


    Your CD4 count is strong. Below 200 you are at greater risk of opportunistic infections but you are quite a bit above that. The fact you are undetectable shows that your treatment is working well – this should mean that your CD4 slowly rises.

  6. doctor

    My CD4 count is 366 and viral load is undetectable and i am taking ARVs is my CD4 count good enough?

  7. Robin Jakob


    A CD4 count of 442 is strong. Her clinic should have her viral load results, you can ask them for that information.

  8. francina

    My aunt’s CD4 count is 442 and the result doesn’t show her viral load. How can she find this out?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Mathurin, there is no single way to tell you partner other than by telling them. You know your partner and how they react in different circumstances.

    If you can talk about different aspect of HIV in general conversations before you tell them, you will have a better idea of how they feel.

    Their initial reaction may be very emotional or angry. At some point, it might be good to have good information in different formats that they can read. If your own reaction to learning that you were positive was difficult, your partner is likely to be the same. In addition, they may feel justifiably angry and upset that you didn’t say something earlier to give them the choice.

    These are big issues, even if they have not been at risk if you have been using condoms or if you are on treatment with an undetectable viral load.

    The second question you ask is not ethical. If you want to have a then your partner has the right to decide what she wants to do knowing that you are HIV positive.

  10. Mathurin

    Thank you very much Simon. But one more thing, in case i wanna have a child and that i wanna tell my partner that i am HIV +, what are the proper steps to take by telling her? if not, what are the options of having a healthy kid without disclosing my status to the person who will carry the child?


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