Q and A


What is Atroiza used for?


Atroiza is a combination pill than contains three HIV drugs. It is a generic version of Atripla.

It is mainly used to treat HIV.

However, i some countries the same drugs (efavirenz/tenofovirDF/emtricitabine) are used as PEP to prevent HIV infection.

This is not recommended in the UK or in other guidelines. which recommend different HIV drugs for PEP. This is because of concerns about efavirenz side effects in HIV negative people.

See: PEP, PEPSE and PrEP.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anelisa,

    Please see the above post.

  2. Anelisa

    Is atroiza only used by people who are HIV only please reply on email

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpho,

    The taking of ARVs is what makes a persons viral load become undetectable. To know if a viral load is undetectable or not a viral load test will need to be done.

  4. Mpho

    Hi, what causes the viral load to be undectable and how will I know If my partner viral load is undectable ?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpho.

    PEP needs to be taken within a max 72hrs.
    If the person who you had sex with has an undetectable viral load, the risk is close to zero. Please see here:


  6. Mpho

    I had unprotected sex with HIV positive person, can I use Atroiza pills to prevent HIV infection even after 72 hours? Please reply via email.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tsholo,

    No you shouldn’t let your husband take your meds. Your meds are for you, and should only be taken by you. This is because you need your meds to help you control your HIV. Skipping meds isn’t recommended.

    If you’re on meds, and your viral load is undetectable the risks to your husband are close to zero. Please see here for more info:


    If your viral load isn’t undetectable, your husband could consider PrEP. See here:


  8. Tsholo

    If Am HIV positive and my husband is negative can I give him my tablets to prevent him from catching HIV if we had unprotected sex???

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dora,

    i-base is an organisation that works with, and for people who are living with HIV. The answer to your question is in the above post.

  10. Dora

    I found Atroiza pills in my boyfriend’s backpack and he told me that he is using them to prevent “Herpes’ is this true???

    Please reply via email


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