Q and A


Can I have sex while on PEP?

I have just started PEP after a drunk one night stand with an HIV positive person. While I’m on PEP can I transmit the virus to my regular partner of 12 months?


Hi, how are you?

You can, but most people often have a break from sex while on PEP. Sex without a condom while you are unaware of your status can potentially put your partner at risk of HIV.

If your partner of 12 months is okay to use a condom there would not be a risk of transmitting HIV. Although some other STDs would not be prevented.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nicholas, please see here for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  2. Nicholas

    Hey I had sex without condom with a woman who next day we went for a test then her results came with a faint positive line then the doctor repeated the test with a different kit then the results came negative…..Am truly Worried should I take Pep

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Trop, please see this link for info about PEP which answers your questions.

  4. Troy

    Hi, I had unprotected sex with 2 ladies with questionable hiv status and was put on pep within 12hr. On day 14 I had sex with a sex worker (who offers unprotected sex). I opted for condom, only for it to break – I didn’t finish and I’m pretty sure her previous client came inside her and she didn’t clean herself up before seeing me which was all over my penis. So my question is do I extend my pep for 14 more day ?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ronald, no your partner is not at risk. As your first partner had been on ARVs it is unlikely you had any risk exposure. As you have been on PEP there is a further reduction in risk to your partner. You do not need to be worried.

  6. Ronald

    Hi, i had sex with HIV+ person who is on ARVs then I started taking PEP within 24 hours, while on PEP for the 26th day i had unprotected sex with my partner, is she at high risk of conducting HIV kindly advise am worried. Thanks

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Mike, it sounds like you should tlak to a doctor or health centre about using PrEP in the future. PEP will have covered these risks.

  8. Mike

    I’m taking pep and had sex 2 times without a condom with 2 different people, one on the 13th of the pep and the other on the 26th day of the pep, what should I do now?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Basel, as your partner is on treatment and had been undetectable before your encounter there is no risk of transmission. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    You do not need to be on PEP.

  10. Basel

    Hi, I had unprotected sex with a person who is HIV positive but on ARVs. we had three rounds. She only told me afterwards of her status. She also showed me lab test results which indicated that she had reached an undetectable viral load about a month before our encounter and stated that she had not stopped taking her ARVs since. After the encounter, I immediately rushed to the hospital and got PEP (about 5hours after the last exposure). What are my chances of remaining negative?


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