
Can I test while I am on PEP?

I had an exposure through an unprotected sexual encounter at which I was the insertive (top), lots of lubricants were used, and there were no ejaculations nor blood. My partner was informed that he tested positive on the second day and later knew that his viral load is less than 20,000 copies/mL. I started PEP on Thursday night (8 pm) with only Truvada (39 hours later) then started having Tivicay as well from Friday night (8 pm). I had a strong headache for a couple of days, and a fluctuating low-grade fever throughout the day. Furthermore, I am generally sleepy and I do sleep from 8 to 12 hours every day since I started PEP.

I tested for HIV AG/AB on Sunday’s night (December 26th, 2021), and the results were negative, I know it does not indicate anything relevant to the exposure but did it as baseline information. Now after 15 days the low-grade fever is back, so far maximum 37.5C, and commonly some hours (3 or 4) after taking my pills, and I can feel a lymph node under my jaw on the left side. Am I seroconverting?

I am too stressed and I cannot do anything apart from worry. Are there any tests I can do at the moment to know my status? I know I should be following up with a doctor but where I live there is a high stigma against homosexuality and HIV so I don’t dare to follow up with a doctor. Your support will be highly appreciated, as I am totally by myself in all of this.


Hi M,

How are you doing? Starting PEP as early as you did means you are within the time frame for it to be most effective. Also, being the ‘top’ further reduces your risk, as does not ejaculating and there being no presence of blood. Using lubrication further reduces risk as it reduces the risk of abrasion from friction. These factors means it is very unlikely you will test positive for HIV.

As you have mentioned, a test while on PEP is not accurate. This is because PEP can ‘mask’ HIV and will not give a true representation of your status. To be sure you will need to wait 6 weeks until after your course to know your status. In the meantime, this guide discusses feelings of fear and anxiety while awaiting results.

The symptoms you have mentioned are possible signs of seroconversion. Also they are signs of many other infections. Due to how non-specific symptoms are for HIV, it is impossible to say if you are seroconverting. If these symptoms are in association with the time you take PEP, it is more likely a side effect of the medication.

I am sorry to hear that you are in this alone. Do you have any family/friends that you are able to discuss this with? The Terrance Higgin’s Trust in the UK offer an email service that may be suitable in this instance. It is unfortunate to hear about the lack of support you are having from your doctors, but if you become increasingly concerned with your health you need to make sure you speak to them. This is the only way you can be sure of your current state of health.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:

If you have any further questions please get in touch.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Audrey, no these are not signs of HIV.

  2. Audrey

    Hi I had unprotected sex while using dog style I had a cut an the person is HIV positive after I insisted we got tested it over 48 hours and I found he was positive right away I started pep, after three weeks of taking it I had viginal infection and oral thrush could these be signs of HIV infection

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mother, having unprotected sex is not a reason of itself to use PEP. Please see here for more information:

  4. Mother

    My daughter had unprotected sex with an old school friend should l put her on pep ?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Victory, no these are not signs of seroconversion. PEP does not stop other infections. A runny nose and sore throat are very common symptoms. As you are on PEP it is very unlikely that these were caused by HIV.

  6. Victory

    Amnion PEP from 16th Mar. 15th had an exposure where the condom ruptured and I don’t know the status of thr partner. Am a insertive partner. After two weeks j had bad runny nose for 2 days and soar throat for a week. Still on PEP regularly. Have bad aches after 2 weeks. Are these symptoms of sercoconversion ?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Treasure,

    Please see this factsheet on PEP.

    This explains why you need to wait for 4-6 weeks after the last PEP dose before testing. Your results are still good, but you need to confirm them in a months time.

  8. Treasure

    Hi there

    I had unprotected sex with an hiv positive person. We found out 30min after. Within 4 hours I was put on PEP. I finished the course, then I went to test again 2 weeks after my PEP using the 4th Gen Elisa. It came non reactive to hiv -1 and -2 antibodies and p24 antigen. My doctor emailed me my result hence I’m confused what this all means. Do I have to do another test. Is this good sigh ? Please help

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi James, what you have described is not a risk for HIV. You do not need to be taking PEP. Please follow this link for more information:

  10. James

    I was exposed to an hiv positive person whom claims they were undetectable on Feb 5th at approximately 3-4am but told me about their status AFTER the sexual encounter. Might I say I didn’t have actually sex with the person but I did use fingers to the point of my knuckles being exposed as well. I did have some dry crackled skin due to the cold weather and constantly washing my hands. I had a small cut on my finger which was not actively bleeding. when I did wash my hands before and after the encounter the water would sometimes burn. I’m scared Not just because of that but I started the PEP regimen which was prescribed the wrong dosage by the first MD I saw. I started truvada on Feb 6 at 9am and didn’t get to start my insentress till Tuesday at 3pm because of pharmacy availability. The MD prescribed me insentress 100mg daily for 28 day! I questioned it but never got a response for a day and a half so I started to panic. I took everything as prescribed in my 72hr window but I had to go see another doctor to change that dosage. and I didn’t get to start the right dosage of insentress till February 9 at 9am which was 400mg twice a day which technically out of my 72hr window. Now I’m scared. I am currently taking my PEP as prescribed still but I just lost hope.