Can I be on PEP and have a baby with my positive partner?
8 March 2022. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, Pregnancy, PrEP, Sero different couples, Side effects.
I would like to find out if I am on PEP can I try to have a baby with my HIV positive partner?
Hi, how are you?
PEP is not recommended as long term prevention for HIV transmission. Instead PrEP is used.
PrEP is a combination of 2 drugs, instead of PEP which includes 3. PrEP is used to prevent a risky exposure and prevents transmission of HIV, even without a condom. As PrEP includes fewer drugs it is usually tolerated better by people as having fewer side effects, if any.
Is your partner on medication? If they are using ARVs and have an undetectable viral load there is no risk to you or your baby from getting HIV. This can be explained by U=U, if you are undetectable, you are untransmissable meaning you cannot pass on HIV sexually. There would be no need for you to be on PrEP.
Please see this link for more information about PrEP:
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Possibility, if you have taken PEP these results need to be from that date, not the exposure. This means that for your lab test to be conclusive it would need to be six weeks after finishing PEP. This would also mean 12 weeks for the finger prick after finishing PEP. You do not need both tests to confirm.
Had a possible exposure and took pep
Tested negative using finger prick 11 weeks after possible exposure
Tested negative in lab 6 weeks after possible exposure
Can I move on with my life?
Or still test at 12 weeks?