Can Truvada be used as PEP?
17 March 2022. Related: Access to treatment, Adherence, All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, PrEP.
Hello I’m writing from South America, Chile, first thing I am sorry about my English since it is not my first language. I had a risky encounter (broken condom, I was bottoming) and I started PEP 34 hours after, but they only gave me Truvada. I don’t know if this 28 day prophylaxis will be effective, any advice will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, how are you doing?
Truvada alone is not the most effective medication to be used as PEP.
Truvada only contains two medications instead of three meds used in PEP. Are you able to speak to a doctor? Truvada does contain some of the medication of PEP, but adding a third drug (maybe raltegravir or dolutegravir) with Truvada would be better.
However this does depend on availability and other options may be available where you are.
Even if you can’t get an additional drug, there is still benefit to taking Truvada and it will reduce the risk of transmission.
Hi doctor, i was at risk on 3/6, then i took truvada for pep for 28 days, i went for test on day 30, 49 and 75 post risk (2, 21 and 47 post pep) and on day 103 after the risk i tested for hiv antibodies determine. All results were negative. For the past few days, I have noticed that my tongue is granulated at the base of the tongue, white granules are painless. I have 1 question, is it a symptom of HIV and are my results conclusive? Thank for helping
Hi Tony, yes this is conclusive. You do not have HIV.
Yes i did a 4th gen test at 80 days(52 days post pep) and anti hiv determine 1/2 105 days after exposure(77 days post pep), is that conclusive?
Hi Tony, yes this can still work as Truvada. Have you had a test yet?
I took full 28 days truvada as pep, does that effect?
Hi Tony, your result is conclusive. You are HIV negative. You do not need to continue testing.
Hi doctor, after exposure i took only truvada for pep and after 105 days exposure t got HIV determine 1/2( i don’t know what generation it is) which came negative, is my result conclusive or truvada effects my result? Thanks a lot
Hi David, this test is conclusive. You are HIV negative.
Please follow this link for more information about testing and transmission:
I’m in the same situation, only truvada as pep, 51 days after finishing pep i got 4th gen test which came negative, is that conclusive? I’m so worried
Thanks Josh , I’m really happy about the results and your answer
I just took Truvada as PEP , the doctor told me that Truvada works very well as PEP I was lucky because generally in my country they give AZT as PEP for what I read …
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart