Can Truvada be used as PEP?
17 March 2022. Related: Access to treatment, Adherence, All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, PrEP.
Hello I’m writing from South America, Chile, first thing I am sorry about my English since it is not my first language. I had a risky encounter (broken condom, I was bottoming) and I started PEP 34 hours after, but they only gave me Truvada. I don’t know if this 28 day prophylaxis will be effective, any advice will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, how are you doing?
Truvada alone is not the most effective medication to be used as PEP.
Truvada only contains two medications instead of three meds used in PEP. Are you able to speak to a doctor? Truvada does contain some of the medication of PEP, but adding a third drug (maybe raltegravir or dolutegravir) with Truvada would be better.
However this does depend on availability and other options may be available where you are.
Even if you can’t get an additional drug, there is still benefit to taking Truvada and it will reduce the risk of transmission.
I started only Travuda after exposure. Can I start taking the other 3rd Medication even if it’s 3 days later?
Hi Dean, pls see this post:
The link there will tell you info about testing.
You results show you are negative.
Hi doctor, please help me because i’m so worried. I had an exposure more than 3 months ago, and then because of poor knowledge i bought only truvada and took it in 28 days because i thought that only truvada enough for PEP. After finishing truvada i realized that PEP needs at least 3 drug, but truvada contains only 2. On the days 48 and 76 after exposure( 20 and 48 days after last pill truvada as PEP), i got 4th gen test which all came negative. So can i conclude that i’m safe with HIV in that exposure, does truvada affect my test? And another test necessary? Thank you doctor
Hi Steve, it is usually recommended that if you use Truvada as PEP it should be combined with another drug. Though using it alone is still effective.
A 4th generation test will be suitable to use from 6 weeks after finishing PEP. From this point your result will be conclusive.
Hi doc, i’m from the USA, i got an exposure 30 days ago, after that i took only truvada for pep 23 hours after exposure. I have a question, is truvada a little effective for pep and if i use 4th gen test, when to test can be conslusive that i’m safe from HIV? Thank you
Hi Vladmir. You do not need any more testing. You are HIV negative.
So that means my 4th gen test after 80 days exposure( 52 days after finishing only truvada as pep) is final result, and i need no more test right doctor? Sorry for many confusions because i’m so worry
Hi Vladmair, sorry for any confusion. A test should be 42 days from the last day of PEP.
Tks doctor, but i wonder you said that after 42 days means 42 days after exposure or 42 days after pep because i took 28 days pep(only truvada) after exposure.
Hi Vladamir, an HIV ag/ab combo is a 4th generation test. As you used this test after 42 days your result is conclusive – you are safe with this result.