Can Truvada be used as PEP?
17 March 2022. Related: Access to treatment, Adherence, All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, PrEP.
Hello I’m writing from South America, Chile, first thing I am sorry about my English since it is not my first language. I had a risky encounter (broken condom, I was bottoming) and I started PEP 34 hours after, but they only gave me Truvada. I don’t know if this 28 day prophylaxis will be effective, any advice will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, how are you doing?
Truvada alone is not the most effective medication to be used as PEP.
Truvada only contains two medications instead of three meds used in PEP. Are you able to speak to a doctor? Truvada does contain some of the medication of PEP, but adding a third drug (maybe raltegravir or dolutegravir) with Truvada would be better.
However this does depend on availability and other options may be available where you are.
Even if you can’t get an additional drug, there is still benefit to taking Truvada and it will reduce the risk of transmission.
Hi James, this will not effect how well PEP works. As long as you are taking a pill every day for the course of PEP, the course will remain effective.
Hi Doctor,
I had protected sex with a sex worker. But I’m worried that from touching the used condom with my finger which had a small cut(which didn’t even bleed) from a broomstick might have gotten it infected with vaginal fluid on the condom.
My friend told me this is low risk to not even a risk at all. Should I be worried?
Hi Robert, both of these tests are conclusive. You do not have HIV. You do not need any further HIV testing.
Hi Doctor, first of all thanks for helping. I had an exposure with a girl in . After 23 hours i got ONLY truvada for pep that i took on 28 days. I got 2 times test. The first was 4th gen test on the day 78 after exposure( 50 days after last dose of truvada), the second was antibodies test 24 weeks after exposure( 20 weeks after last dose of truvada). But now i have a lot of symptoms that seem like because of HIV. I have a question: are the tests conclusive that i don’t have HIV, do i need any more test and if yes, when is the last test needed?
Hi David, your friend is right. This is not a risk for HIV transmission. You do not need to be worried.
Please follow his link for more information about testing and transmission:
Hi Aba, Oraquick tests have time ranges for which a result can be obtained. These ranges should be listed in the instructions. They state that results are not accurate if the test is read too early or too late. As there was a wait for returning to the test it is likely that the testing time window had passed when the result appeared negative. This is why the confirmatory test would have been negative.
Please follow this link for more information about testing and transmission:
A friend had oral sex with a guy. But first, she tested the for HIV using first response test and oraQuick. For the 15-20mins, both tests were negative but after sometime, the first response test turned to positive. He later went to the hospital for confirmatory test and both test(oraQuick and first response) were negative. My friend is worried and opted for PEP and was given Truvada. But before then she was tested and was negative for HIV. My question is, why did the guy tested positive and later tested negative and is my friend going to contract the disease?
Hi Saleh, where are you based? PEP is usually a combination of three drugs though if you cannot access a third, Truvada alone will be suitable. This is a low risk exposure. Even ejaculating outside of your anus, semen would be required to come into direct contact with the anal fissure to pose a risk. Do you know the status of your partner?
If you are comfortable there is no problem to continue taking Trvuada as PEP for the month. Though given the low risk nature of this event it would not be required. Please follow this link for more information about risk:
Hey Doctor,
I had an encounter with a guy who ejaculated outside (no penetration) but some of his semen contacted the outside of my anus( I also have an anal fissure).
I started using Truvada only as PeP (as it’s the only available drug in my country) 55 hours post exposure, so my questions are:
1. Should I continue taking truvada only as PeP? that encounter considered risky?
Hi Jay, yes, adding later is better than not adding it at all.