Can Truvada be used as PEP?
17 March 2022. Related: Access to treatment, Adherence, All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, PrEP.
Hello I’m writing from South America, Chile, first thing I am sorry about my English since it is not my first language. I had a risky encounter (broken condom, I was bottoming) and I started PEP 34 hours after, but they only gave me Truvada. I don’t know if this 28 day prophylaxis will be effective, any advice will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, how are you doing?
Truvada alone is not the most effective medication to be used as PEP.
Truvada only contains two medications instead of three meds used in PEP. Are you able to speak to a doctor? Truvada does contain some of the medication of PEP, but adding a third drug (maybe raltegravir or dolutegravir) with Truvada would be better.
However this does depend on availability and other options may be available where you are.
Even if you can’t get an additional drug, there is still benefit to taking Truvada and it will reduce the risk of transmission.
Hi Doc,
I was involved with a shemale. How ever i did receive a small cut caused by her nail. the Cut was not deep but did blood did come out.
I did not realized it and inserted the same flinger in her ass. What are my chances of getting infected.
Hi Mcs, please see here for more information:
hi doc, I was having protected anal sex with a shemale(sex worker)on 16th August 2023. The process is fully protected with a condom. My finger touched the condom during sex and there was a wound (had been stopped blooding several hours and does not directly approach the semen). I washed it away with tap water after sex. I was worried the virus went into the wound during washing. I went to see a doctor and took Truvada 12 hours after exposure. Am I safe? I have done everything I could.
Hi Tyt, your tests are conclusive. You do not have HIV and no further testing is required. If you remain concerned about these symptoms you should speak with your doctor and they will be able to help.
I use tenemine alone as pep and did fourth generation Elisa at 60 days from the last day of pep and rapidy antibody at 12 weeks but um still feeling some joint pain and headache
Hi Martinez, please note that we are not doctors – we just provide information. Yhe time needed for testing is the same, whatever PEP is used.
Hi doctor, thanks for your help. I wonder if using only truvada for pep extends time we need to do a test? I know that if we use 3 combinations pep, we need 6 weeks since last dose of pep with 4th gen test to be conclusive. But if i use only truvada as pep, i only need 6 weeks after pep or need further?
Hi Geraldine, Truvada alone is not usually given as PEP. It is usually given with Isentress as PEP needs to be a combination fo 3 drugs (Truvada contains 2). If you cannot get a third drug taking Truvada alone will offer some protection but not as complete.
Hi Doctor my name is Geraldine. Sorry I have Bad English, My question is:
A.- Only take TRUVADA, ( i had sex vaginal), for 28 days, 2 pills.
Is effective only truvada ?
Hello Doctor,
After taking truvada for 3 days post exposure I started TLD. Does this affect my fight against PEP?