
Should I use Atroiza as PEP?

Hi, I had unprotected sex with someone positive, should I take Atroiza for prevention, if yes for how long?


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you know if there was a risk of HIV transmission after this exposure? There are a number of factors that influence the risk of transmission and PEP may not be required.

Atroiza is not offered as PEP as it contains efavirenz. If you are able to access a health clinic within 72 hours of this potential exposure the doctor may offer an alternative form of PEP – if they deem you high enough risk.

This course of PEP would then be taken for 28 days and an HIV test could be taken 6 weeks after this.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Syazola

    PEP needs to be taken much earlier than this, and within the first couple of days. for it to work.

    Please see this factsheet for more information.

    HIV is a difficult virus to catch though so your risk from one time will still be very low.

  2. Syazola

    Hi the condom bust on 3rd can I take atroizer as pep from today it’s 18 of june

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dano, please follow this link for more information:

  4. Dano

    I had unprotected sex now am conviused what do I do to avoid hiv it is 24hrs now after sex

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Solly, what time are you taking your medication and what side effects do you have? A lot of people find it easier to take Atroiza in the evening before bed. This allows you to sleep through the side effects. If not/or you are already, you can switch PEP treatment. Commonly this is a switch to TLD.

  6. Solly

    Good day, I’ve been using Atroiza for 15 days now and the side effects are too bad, is it wise if I use other pep meds with less side effects for the remaining 13 days?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Nancy, this is not problem.

  8. Nancy

    I would like to know that if touching atroiza by a mistake in my mouth can it be a problem coz am hiv negative

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jack, apologies for the confusion. Atroiza can be used as PEP however it is not recommended because of the side effects that it can cause. It can work as PEP. More commonly, TLD is used as PEP as it is a better tolerated drug with fewer side effects. If Atroiza is all that is available, it will work as PEP.

  10. Jack

    I’m sorry, but this has confused me. I had an at-risk exposure and was prescribed Atroiza as PEP. The bottle says each tablet contains: Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate, Efavirenz, and Emtricitabine. Please can you elaborate on your above response that Atroiza cannot be used as PEP? Thanks