Q and A


My husband just tested HIV positive but I tested HIV negative?

We just found out my husband has HIV today I tested negative and I don’t understand why. Can you please explain.

Also what is lipodystropy?


I am sorry to hear about your husbands test results, but you are lucky in still being HIV negative.

We have had many questions from people in your situation and it is not uncommon. Although you are HIV-negative now, it doesn’t mean you are protected against HIV in the future, so it is important to use condoms now with your husband.

So far you have just been lucky – not every exposure results in infection – but you are still at risk catching HIV.

For more information about your husbands health and treatment see this guide.

Lipodystrophy is the term for a range of side effect to some HIV drugs, that changes the way your body processes fats and sugars. More information is at this link.


  1. Happy

    i tested for hiv last year february and find that am positive, also went for cd4 count checkup and was very low that i had to start medication. I was so sad claiming my ex boyfriend made me sick but i was so confused when i told him and find he was negative he even checked the next day he heard about my status. My present boyfriend is also negative by we had had unprotected sex for sometime until i found i was positive, he was there for me supporting me and he checks his status regularly. I am very confused what is wrong with me because i have only two guys whom i slept with unprotected and they are not ill. my other concern is when testing for cd4 count do they re test the blood to asure it is positive? Please help.

  2. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Mona,

    I’m very sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Finding out you are HIV positive when you are pregnant is a lot to deal with. Do you have anybody you can talk to about this?

    Unfortunately your boyfriend is at risk of catching HIV if you continue to have unprotected sex. It is also possible that he has been recently infected and that this hasn’t been picked up in his HIV test. This is because of the window period before HIV tests are accurate.

    Telling your partner that you are positive can be very difficult. It’s very normal to be worried about being rejected. Unfortunately you can’t know how somebody will react until you tell them. Until you are ready to tell him it is important to try to find a way to use condoms when you have sex.

  3. Mona

    Have tested positive last month and I am 4 months pregnant. My boyfriend tested negative a week later. I have been put on neverapine to protect the baby from getting infected. My worry is I haven’t told my boyfriend about my status and yesterday and the day before we had unprotected sex, I now worry that he will be infected. I once asked him if we can start using comdoms and he refused. I love him so much and don’t want to loose him.

  4. Simon Collins

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    There are lots of cases where someone doesn’t catch HIV even when there partner is positive and they don’t use a condom. Of course there is a risk – that is how HIV is transmitted – but it is pretty low and is dependent on lots of other factors. It will be easy for you to test when you get home.

    • Information online
    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

  5. Mike

    I have been sleeping with an HIV + woman for more than three weeks. The first time we had unprotected sex was on April 7, 2012 and the last time was May 12th should I wait three weeks after our last date or can I do it now

    Thank you

  6. Simon Collins


  7. Mike

    I just found out a woman I have been sleeping with for the past three weeks is HIV + I asked my friend and she told me she had taken the test a year and half ago and her results were negative. The friend who told me that the woman I am seeing is positive tells me this woman and her boyfriend at the time came to her hose freaking out because the man tested negative while she was positive. I am not sure what to believe except to get tested. I will be flying back home in a week or so and I want to do the test back home as suppose to where I am visiting right now. Has there been a case where someone who has come in contact (have sex) with a woman who is HIV positive came in negative after sleeping with the woman for more than three weeks?

    Please help

  8. Emma

    Same here.

    Still need to confirm my status. Negative Eliza, waiting on PCR results.

    Worst is I have been Breastfeeding and my daughter has. 30% risk of having it, according to the infant risk center regarding risks of a new infection.

    The doc was feeling like the negative Eliza is encouraging but god knows. Pray for us.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Lebogang,

    I am very sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis. But you have been lucky so far. You should not try to make yourself HIV positive.
    There is very effective treatment available for HIV. Your husband should be able to access treatment which will allow him to live a long and healthy life. Being on treatment will also reduce his chances of passing the infection onto you.

    While I understand that it is frightening to be in this situation you can support your husband and daughter much better by keeping well. It is important that you and your husband get support to deal with this diagnosis. The clinic where you were tested should be able to help with this. Or if you tell me which country you live in I can try to put you in touch with a local organization.

  10. Lebogang

    Hi we recently found out that my husband is HIV positive and i tested negative it kills more than him as he accepted, but i cant accept the fact that he’ll b gone 1 day and left us (myself and our 3year old) therefore I have been having unprotected sex with him because I want 2 die with him I love him 2 death, and my family will take good care of our daughter……im very suicidal right now and hope I’m gonna test positive 2 very soon……