Q and A


Can I take Vitamins for my HIV?

Hi, I am HIV + with a CD4 count of 480. I am not on any medication as yet. What vitamins can I take to be healthy and what diet can I follow to be healthy ? What is the right CD4 count and viral load for one to start taking ARV?


Thank you for your question.

How are you doing in relations to your health at the moment? This is because a CD4 counts of 480 is good, there is nothing to worry about. However if you have any health conditions you can discuss this with your doctor.

The new South African guidelines says treatment should be offered to anyone whose CD4 is under 350. You can find information on when to start treatment in South Africa at this link.

The following factsheet includes information about vitamins and minerals. Vitamins, minerals and other supplements have no direct activity against HIV and are not a replacement for antiretroviral therapy. Please talk to your doctor about any supplementary medications as they have the potential to interact with HIV treatment.

Eating a healthy diet and keeping mentally and physically active, not smoking, sleeping well and only using recreational drugs including alcohol in moderation is all good advice.

For information on where to get support in South Africa, follow this link


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Padion, ARVs are very safe medications though sometimes people can experience unwanted side effects. What ARVs are you taking?

    Did your skin symptoms start around the same time as starting ARVs? As with any potential side effect it would be best to discuss this with your doctor.

  2. Padion

    Am on arvs l just wanted to ask is it okay for me to take bco my face having terrible acne and my skin itching

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zipho,

    Your CD4 is low, this is probably why you’ve got shingles, shingles is common when a person has a low CD4 count. Please see here for more info and how to treat shingles: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/shingles/ and https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/shingles

    As your CD4 is low, it’s very possible that this is why you’re lost weight. When someone has a low CD4 count and they aren’t on medication their bodies need to work very hard, now that you’ve started ARVs your weight should increase. If the weight loss continues to be an issue, please consult a doctor.

    Other than the ARVs that you’re taking, due to your CD4 being low you should also be taking a medication called septrin, have you been given this?

  4. Zipho

    My cd4 count is 64, and i’m having shingles on my chest , rash on my hands, i’ve just started my meddication 5days ago, so how can i get rid of these rash, ? Im loosing weight

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Enock,

    It’s good to hear you’ve already been on HIV treatment (ART) for a month. ART starts to work against HIV as soon as you start. It can reduce viral load by over 90% in the first days and weeks. But CD4 usually takes more time to recover. Please see this page from ART in Pictures. It shows what happens to viral load and CD4 when we start ART.

    But a CD4 of 74 is low. So it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor and ask about taking antibiotics. Antibiotics can help stop other infections while your CD4 gets the chance to recover.

    A balanced diet can help you get your weight back to normal. Please see this guide to a balanced diet and your health.

    If you want to take vitamins and supplements, please tell your doctor before you take them. Some herbs and supplements can interact with some HIV meds.

  6. Enock

    Last time I checked my CD4 was 74 it’s been a month taking my treatment.
    Can I take whey protein and vitamins supplements coz I have lost a lot of weight?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Freddie,

    If your CD4 is 34 you’ll need to be on ARVs. Its the ARVs that will help you immune system. And, only this. Following the advice that’s here will also help you:


  8. Freddie

    Im diagnosis with Aids since February 2018 and now under hospital treatment on my diagnosis. My cd4 only 39. ..Can I take seabuckthorn oil capsule as my immune system booster.

  9. Simon Collins

    With a CD4 count of 120, the most important priority is to start your ARVs.

    Smoking and drinking are not great for your health, but you can do everything at the same time. Smoking and alcohol do not interact with your HIV drugs so you can still smoke and drink. But you want to make sure you don;t miss doses of your meds because you are too drunk to remember to take them or because you oversleep and forget.

    Once HIV meds are working, you can take time to look at these other aspects of your life.

  10. Kenneth

    I have a CD4 count of 120 , i smoke and drink alot .. i’m about to satrt taking ARV’s how often can i smoke and drink once i’m on the treatment.. i’ve tried quitting but its a long process


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