Q and A


Can I take Tribuss with food?

Hi! I am 35 years and started taking my tribuss pill in February 2012. My problem is that I cant take the pill on an empty stomach. Can this make the pill to disfunction?



Thank-you for your question.

Tribuss is a generic combination treatment which contains three HIV drugs. These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. In the UK, this combination in a single pill is called Atripla.

Tribuss is usually recommended to be taken on an empty stomach is to reduce side effects. This is up to 60% more efavirenz is absorbed if it is taken with a high fat meal.

This would mean there is more efavirenz than you need and you may be more likely to get side effects. Side effects from efavirenz include dizziness, mood changes and sleep disturbance. Please follow this link for more information about efavirenz side effects.

However, the increased levels of efavirenz are connected to a high fat meal.

If you prefer to take Tribuss with some food this is fine, just not with fatty foods.

Please let me know if you have any more questions!


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Realeboha,

    If you’re new to Tribuss feeling dizzy is common. The feeling of dizziness usually goes within a few weeks of starting them. If you’ve been on them for longer than that, you may need to change. For more info, please see Q3 here:


  2. Realeboha

    Hi I’m taking tribuss tablets I feel dizzy and weak after drinking them what should I do

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fortunate,

    It sounds like you may need to change meds to something that doesn’t contain Efavirenz. This is something that you’ll need to talk to your doctor about. Please see Q3 here for more info:


  4. Fortunate

    I’m taking Tribuss, it been 4 months. I don’t sleep at night, dizzy, weak and having carps. With no appetite. Is it the medication or is there something wrong with me? I tried talking to my doctor but nothing helps caz he gave me sleeping pills and ma head spins once i took the medication. I was in and out to hospital but they don’t see and problem.

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. Lisa

    I’m on Tribuss. It makes my head spin. Can I change it?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andiswa,

    Atrozia and Tribuss are both generic versions of Atripla. This means that they contain the same compounds. Please see here:


    Though uncommon, it can sometimes happen that when someone switches between the same drug that they can have mild side effects. Therefore, you’ll need to talk to your doctor about this.

  8. Andiswa

    I started Atrozia last year in September. It was good no problem. Now I’m on Tribuss. It makes me dizzy.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mash,

    All the meds that you’ve been taking are generic versions of Atripla. Therefore, you should be OK. However, if you’re having problems with the Tribuss, you should talk to your doctor about this.

  10. Mash

    Hi, I started taking ARVs in January. I was given Atroiza n Atenef. Recently I was given Tribuss and now am having diarrhoea for a second week with painful stomach cramps. I suspect Tribuss. Have tried anti diarrhoea medications but its still the same


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