Q and A


Why did my partner test positive when I tested negative?

My partner and I have been together for six years. He tested positive three years ago.

Automatically assuming I would be infected already we continued to have unsafe sex. I never went for a test until three years later in 2012.

He was beginning his treatment and wanted me to do the same, but when I went to my local clinic I tested HIV negative.

Can I trust these results or should I worry about testing HIV positive in near future? I’m so confused!


The risk of catching HIV is low compared to many other infections.

So your situation is common to still be negative even if without condoms with someone who is HIV positive. Your negative result is also related to good luck – so it is not good to rely on this in the future.

As your partner has just started treatment, the risk of transmission will already be much lower. Then, once his viral load becomes undetectable the risk is effectively zero.

The PARTNER studies showed that ART stops sexual transmission.  For example, after more than 100,000 times that an HIV positive person had sex without a condom with an HIV negative partner, there were ZERO transmissions. Viral load just needs to be undetectable on ART.

This and other studies led to the U=U campaign (undetectable = untransmittable).

This guide to HIV testing and risks of sexual transmission includes more info on transmission risk. Also, the answer to Question 9 on our most asked questions page:
Can we stop using condoms if viral load is undetectable on treatment?

If your partner is not on treatment or if he still has detectable viral load, then using condoms will make sure you stay negative. Another option is to talk to your doctor about PtRP, which is where you can take a pill that will protect you against HIV. The UK guide to PrEP has more info.

Note: This answer was updated in 2016, 2018 and 2022 from a question first posted online in July 2012.


  1. Vee

    My girlfriend of 4 years tested positive for HIV recently and I tested negative we both did two finger prick tests and then took blood samples to go to the lab and the results were still the same. Nurses told me that I could still be in the Window period and I must come back in three months, if I may ask when does HIV antibodies start to show in a person’s body after exposure? I am very confused and anxious please advise

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bontle,

    Firstly, it might help to explain to your ex partner that its very possible that you’ve tested positive and him negative. For why this can happen please see question 5 here:


    This may help him to understand that you haven’t cheated on him.

    Because you’re pregnant, its important that you’re on ARVs. Have you started on them? Do you know what your CD4 count is?

    If your ex partner can’t come to terms with your status, its important to remember that millions of children are brought up by one parent and they do really well. In many cases, its actaully not a bad thing being brought up by one parent. So try not to worry about this too much. That is if he doesn’t want to take responsibility for his child.

    Because you’re pregnant you may find our HIV and pregnancy guide helpful:


  3. Bontle

    Hi, I’ve tested positive and my partner is negative. I’m pregnant so he decided to end our relationship because he believes that I’m cheating on him. Ii’m deeply hurt because my child will grow up without a father.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lucky,

    No. HIV tests work on all blood types.

  5. lucky

    Can people who are blood type A+ hide their HIV?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Busisiwe,

    If you’re on medication and have an undetectable viral load, the risk of transmission is close to zero. Please see the results of the PARTNER study for more info:


    If you aren’t on treatment, then there is a risk that you will transmit HIV to your partner.

  7. busisiwe

    My partner wants a baby and I’m HIV positive. What is the risk of me infecting him? He doesn’t want to use condoms.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kholly,

    Please see quesiton 5 here:


  9. kholly

    I tested positive when I was 3 month pregnant but my partner is negative, how possible is that?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vee,

    It can happen that one person tests positive and another negative. Please see quesiton 5 here. Question 1 also discusses HIV testing and transmission.
