Q and A

HIV testing

Why do NHS and private clinics have different recommendations?

3 negative HIV tests, do I have HIV?

How do I officially complain about my GUM clinic?

Will I get the same HIV test if I go to my GP?

Are GUM clinics infecting people with HIV?

Is it better to test at a GUM clinic or when I give blood?

If my friend is sharing needles is the test accurate at 31 days?

Can I ask questions when I go for a test?

Testing 31 days after a needle poke…..

How accurate is a DUO test at 4 weeks?

Does the NHS use sterile equipment?

Do PCR tests look for all types of HIV?

Which HIV test should I take?

How accurate is a fourth generation test at 23 days?

8 negative HIV test – do I have HIV?

Should I wait 17 days to test or pay privately?

Would steroid inhalers affect my HIV test?

Do HIV tests pick up all strains of HIV?

Will the p24 test pick up infection after 19 days?

Is it possible to get a false positive with a rapid test?

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