

HTB Turkey – April 2011 issue available

HIV Tedavi Bülteni Türkiye (HTB Turkey) is a Turkish-language publication produced by an independent group of Turkish doctors, activists and health care workers. The second edition is now available. HTB Türkiye.2 Nisan 2011 PDF (2.6MB) 2nd edition – April 2011 …

HTB March/April 2011 now online

The March/April issue of HTB is now online. This issue leads with reports from the 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). We also cover the proposed guidelines issued by the London HIV Consortium on prescribing antiretroviral treatment in …

Changes to HIV drug prescribing in London

Guidelines for London prescribing of antiretroviral drugs in 2011 The London HIV Consortium, the pan-London commissioning group for HIV services, has just outlined the results of the tender process for purchasing HIV drugs for the next two years. This is …

HTB online survey – please help with your feedback

HTB survey 2011 This year we are asking readers to help us by completing a short online survey about the publication HIV Treatment Bulletin and about i-Base in general. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8QQLN6X Your feedback is really important to us. Please take a …

Q & A workshop with Dr Tristan Barber on 30 March

Wednesday 30 March 2011 6–8pm After the success of the last treatment training session with Dr Tristan Barber,  i-Base are organising another question and answer workshop. This will include an update from the research presented at the CROI conference last …

CROI news: bite size new drugs…

Bite size news from CROI today includes links to interesting studies on new drugs in development. This includes: an integrase inhibitor that works against raltegravir resistance a new oral entry inhibitor a formulation of tenofovir in early development first results …

CROI news: Gene treatment boosts CD4s by 200

One of the first oral sessions of the conference included several presentations that should generate excited discussions. The first of these is for a new approach to an immune-based treatment called SB-728. Before anything else, it is important to recognise …

18th CROI – what to watch from Boston

The 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) is being held from 27 February – 3rd March 2011. This is the most important annual scientific HIV meeting. Online presentations Within a day or two, the conference puts all oral …

HTB January/February 2011 issue now online

The first issue of HTB in 2011 is now online. We lead with reports from the first (yes, 30 years into the epidemic), first workshop on HIV and women. Conference reports also include exciting news on a new TB medication …

HTB survey – please help…

We are asking readers to help us by completing a short online survey about HIV Treatment Bulletin (HTB) and other i-Base services: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8QQLN6X Your feedback is really important to us. Please take a few minutes to help us understand how …

New guide to changing treatment & drug resistance

This new and updated treatment guide includes information about changing treatment. The main focus is on treatment failure because of drug resistance. This booklet will help explain: Why your treatment failed. Which tests you need and what the results mean. …

David Kato murdered in Uganda

It is with great regret, sadness and anger that we report that David Kato, a prominent Ugandan human rights activist, was murdered in his home in Kampala yesterday. A vigil is being organised at 11am on Friday 28th January outside …

ARV4IDUs now online (English edition)

The English edition of this bulletin on Antiretroviral Treatment for Intravenous Drug Users is now online and available as a PDF download. The Russian language edition will be distributed within two weeks. ARV4IDU is funded by the Open Society Institute. …

HTB Turkey – new Turkish-language edition

The first issue of HTB Turkey (HIV Tedavi Bülteni – Türkiye), a new Turkish-language information periodical has been produced by an independent group of Turkish doctors, activists and health care workers. HTB Türkiye.1 2010 PDF (2MB) Based on the i-Base …

Stem cell transplant cure news update

i-Base been contacted by lots of people about the case of the man who had stem cells transplant who has now been off treatment for over three years without his viral load rebounding. It is very likely that if HIV …

Bio-Alcamid risks when used for facial lipoatrophy

Results from a safety study on the risks of using Bio-Alcamid to treat HIV-related facial fat loss (lipoatrophy) were presented at the 12th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Morbidities in London earlier this month. Researchers collected long term …

HIV and quality of life: side effects & complications

Fully updated and newly referenced guide.

i-Base on facebook

We have launched an i-Base profile on facebook… come join us :) i-Base on facebook There are also logo links on main pages.

AIDS 2010: non-technical summary from IAS conference in Vienna

This supplement to the September/October issue of HIV Treatment Bulletin is a non-technical summary from the recent 18th World AIDS Conference held in Vienna. The electronic versions (online and PDF file) include hyperlinks to the original studies on the conference …

IAS report: Caprisa 004 tenofovir microbicide trial – all in the details

We lead our coverage from the IAS conference in Vienna with an analysis of  the Caprisa 004 trial. In terms of conference headlines, the biggest news came from the results of a prevention study called Caprisa 004. This study reported …

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