HIV positive people

All our resources relevant to people who are HIV positive.

Pocket PrEP: UK guide

PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is a way that HIV negative people can use HIV drugs to stay HIV negative – even when not using condoms. Pocket PrEP An A7-sized leaflet on PrEP in the UK. This is about …

Featured U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable

U=U: Undetectable viral load = Untransmittable HIV. Has your doctor talked to you yet?

Finding a clinic in the UK

Choosing a clinic It you are treated in the UK, you have a choice for where you go for your HIV care. This could be close to where you live or work, or in a different town or city. If …

If you have just found out you are HIV positive…

If you have just been diagnosed this can be a difficult time. Hey, slow down. Take time. It is going to be okay. Take time Finding out you are HIV positive is often not expected. Even if this is something you …

Pocket pregnancy and HIV

Pocket pregnancy is a small leaflet about HIV and pregnancy. It includes information about planning your pregnancy, using ART, delivery and after care including feeding. This includes a focus on the importance of the mothers’ health and how this is …

Pocket ART – HIV treatment

Pocket ART: a small pocket leaflet about ART Pocket size guide to ART – PDF download (May 2023) Pocket ART links Adherence tips – information about taking meds. ART choice – your choice for your treatment Side effects – links to …

Support groups

Every day, thousands of other people will be finding out they are HIV positive. Sometimes HIV is easier to mange if you know a other people in a similar situation. Some people like to do this face-to-face but itis also …

Research and clinical studies

Research is essential if we are to understand more about HIV. We need research to get better and safer treatments, a vaccine and a cure. HIV research has expanded knowledge about many other areas of medicine. this includes huge advances …

What other tests do I need?

After you test HIV positive, your doctor will run a few other tests. HIV test for recent infection (RITA, STARHS) In the UK, another type of HIV test can help know whether this is a recent infection (within the last …

Who can I talk to?

Confidentiality After you find out you are HIV positive, only you, your doctor and other health workers involved in your care, will know about your results. Health workers cannot tell anyone about your results without your permission, They cannot tell …

Side effects

Pocket side effects & quality of life is a small i-Base guide about side effects, long term health and your quality of life (QoL). Download pocket side effects and QoL leaflet – PDF (May 2023) Order a free print copies ART …


This page includes links to information about PrEP, PEP and PEPSE. PrEP = Pre Exposure Prophylaxis. PrEP is the term for using HIV drugs before and after sex. If taken as recommended, PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV infection. It …

PrEP for women

PrEP and Women: new leaflet with Sophia Forum

Questions about U=U: what, when, who, why….?

The following questions provide more information about why an undetectable viral load stops HIV transmission (U=U). Download U=U Q&A factsheet (PDF) U=U posters and post cards for clinics. What is U=U? U=U is an abbreviation for: Undetectable = Untransmittable It means …

PARTNER and PARTNER 2 studies

The PARTNER study reported zero HIV transmissions from a positive partner on ART to their negative partner. This was after couples in the study had sex more than 58,500 times without using condoms. Detailed report of the PARTNER results. The …

Н=Н (U=U Russian)

НЕОПРЕДЕЛЯЕМАЯ вирусная нагрузкаозначает, чтоВИЧНЕ ПЕРЕДАЕТСЯ Знаете ли вы, что неопределяемая вирусная нагрузка при лечении ВИЧ (АВТ) означает отсутствие риска передачи ВИЧ? АРТ не только полезна для вашего здоровья, но и защищает ваших партнеров. Н=Н означает, что вам не нужно использовать …

U=U (Turkish B=B)

BELİRLENEMEYEN viral yük HIV’in kondomsuz cinsel iilişki yoluyla BULAŞMAYACAĞI   anlamına gelir. HIV ilaç tedavisinde (ART) belirlenemeyen bir viral yükün HIV bulaşlarını durdurduğunu biliyor muydunuz? HIV ilaç tedavisi *ART kendi sağlığınız için iyi olmakla beraber, aynı zamanda partnerlerinizi de korur. B=B (U=U), …

I=I (U=U Spanish)

PDF A4 leaflet – from gTt, Barclona UNA carga viral Indetectable significa que elVIHES INTRANSMISIBLE ¿Sabías que tener una carga viral indetectable en el tratamiento del VIH (ART) detiene la transmisión del virus? ART no es solo bueno para tu salud, …

U=U (Romanian)

Încărcătură viralăNEDETECTABILĂ înseamnă că HIVESTE NETRANSMISIBIL tiați că dacă aveți încărcătură virală nedetectabilă în timp ce urmați tratamentul HIV (ART) transmiterea HIV se oprește? ART nu este numai bun pentru sănătatea dvs., acesta vă protejează și partenerii. U=U înseamnă că …

U=U (Portuguese)

Uma carga viral INDETETÁVEL significa que oHIVÉ INTRANMISSÍVEL Sabia que ter uma carga viral indetetável no tratamento do HIV (TAR – Terapia Antirretroviral) impede a transmissão do HIV? A TAR não é apenas benéfica para a sua saúde – protege …

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