What will happen to me if my boyfriend is taking Acriptega and I don’t?
4 January 2023. Related: All topics, Resistance, Sero different couples, Starting treatment.
What will happen to me if my boyfriend is taking Acriptega and I don’t?
Hi, how are you doing?
Are you HIV positive or negative?
If you are positive, why are you not wanting to take ARVs? If you are not taking treatment and have sex with your boyfriend, there is no risk of resistance for your boyfriend to this medication. Though your own HIV will not be treated.
If you are HIV negative and your boyfriend is taking Acriptega, this means that risk of transmission can be reduced and ultimately prevented. When viral load is suppressed by medication to below 200, HIV cannot be transmitted by sex. This is explained by U=U.
How long do I have to take treatment so that I can have a suppressed viral load and not transmit HIV to my partner
Hi Paul, from starting treatment viral load will usually be suppressed within 3 months. For most people this will happen as quickly as 1 month after starting.
It is then advised to have a test to confirm that your viral load is suppressed (below 200). At this point there is no longer a risk of transmission to your partner while on treatment.
This is called U=U:
Hi Keir, there are no interactions between Acriptega and vaping. It is safe to vape and take your treatment together as they will not interact.
Acrpitega will still be effective.
I just would like to find out what the effects of vaping are when one is taking Acriptega after a needle stick injury?
Hi Thabang, for more information about PEP please see here:
I’m hiv negative and I had unprotected sex with a lady and I don’t know her status, can I take pep drugs? Will they have a negative impact on me if she’s negative?
Hi Simo, yes this is possible. Why are you not on treatment? and do you know your viral load/CD4 count? HIV transmission is not guaranteed though not being on treatment will increase the risk of transmission.
This is further explained here:
Hi I am HIV positive but not on a treatment and my wife says she is negetive, is that possible?
Hi Keenen, please see here for more information:
my name is keenen, I live in South Africa. What I wanted to ask you is what does it mean when you have a rash but you taking pep pills. So on June 22 I had sex with a girl without the use of a condom then the following day( 23 June ) I start taking the pep pills called Acriptega. There’s 30 pills inside, on day 9 of taking the pills, I developed a rash and my body is sometimes itchy. I finished the pep on Sunday( 23 July ) I still have a rash and my body is still itchy, what does this mean ? I’m so scared. I got tested 5 days ago( July 25), it was a rapid test though, after 31 days of exposure and the result showed negative. Don’t know if this is a good sign. Or not I’m worried and don’t know what to do