
Is there a difference between Atripla, Odimune, Rizene and Tribuss etc


I started with Atripla, then received Odimune and now I have been given Tribuss from my provider.

I have never had side effects. How safe is it for me to take Tribuss?

I’m afraid it might change how I look. Is it the same as the two I have already been taking?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one version to another.

Although some HIV meds have been linked to body shape changes, this is not commonly reported for any of these drugs. One exception, generally rare, is that efavirenz has been linked to weight gain in breast tissue – also called gynaecomastia (GYE-na-co-MAS-tee-ah).


Efavirenz-associated gynaecomastia reported to the national HIV and TB healthcare workers hotline in South Africa

Dihydrotestosterone for HAART-associated breast enlargement in men

This answer was updated on 12 July 2020 from an original question on 21 May 2013.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nomalanga, how much weight have you lost? and when did you start to notice that you have been loosing weight?

  2. Nomalanga

    I ve been taking Tribuss for 3 years now.
    My problem is that I m loosing weight.

    And when I discuss it with my doctor she is saying No I m fine….but I can see that I m loosing weight.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nikkita, what treatment are you on/have you been on? and how much weight have you lost? Please see this link for further information about lipodystrophy:

  4. Nikkita

    I think am suffering from lipodystrophy and I want to get if fixed…I want to gain weight on my legs

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Josephine, Acriptega is a slightly different drug to Atroiza. They both suppress HIV but they work slightly different. People are more commonly being given Acriptega because it is generally better tolerated by people. Your niece should not be switching between the two, rather switching to one and staying on it. Is she still taking Atroiza?

    Because of the drugs in each combination, Atroiza is better taken in the evening and high-fat meals need to be avoided in the few hours before taking it. Acriptega is better taken in the morning to avoid it affecting sleep. You can also take it with whatever food your niece would like.

    Atroiza (Atripla):
    Acriptega (TLD):

  6. Josephine

    Hi my niece has been drinking atrozia but now they’ve given her both atrozia and acriptega is it safe or why the addition

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Inno, you do not need to be worried. Reydin is a newer medication with fewer side effects. People are regularly being switched to this as people tolerate the drug better and works just as well as Odimune.

    Switching from Odimune to Reydin will not risk any treatment not working. The only this to be aware of is that is is recommended to take Reydin in the morning. Reydin can cause some problem sleeping if you take it in the evening. Most people avoid this by taking it in the morning. You can take Reydin with or without food. More information about Reydin (TLD):

  8. Inno

    Hi, l have been using Odimune tablets and now they gave me Reydin, should I be worried or should I relax

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nomonde, I am sorry that you are experiencing this. Has anything else changed? e.g., a change in your diet. How long have you been on Ranega?

    Ranega does contain Tenofovir (TDF) which is known to cause changes in fat loss/distribution. Have you lost weight anywhere else on your body? Are you able to find out what the doctor mentioned that might be able to help with this? Dependant on what is available where you live, there may be other, more suitable HIV combinations that can prevent/reverse this loss of fat in your face.

    If a switch is available you should note, that unfortunately this reversal will take time. Changes in fat is a slow process and as such, so will the reverse. This is a link the the i-base lipodystrophy (fat changes) guide that may answer some more of your questions:

  10. Nomonde

    I have been using Ranega as prescribed by my Dr, however I am concerned that my face is changing drastically with cheekbones visible, I raised it up with him and he said it will come right as it contains( can’t remember what he said) please I need help.


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