Q and A

HIV transmission

Can I ask questions when I go for a test?

Does the NHS use sterile equipment?

Do seroconversion symptoms all come and go together and how long can they last?

How accurate is a fourth generation test at 23 days?

8 negative HIV test – do I have HIV?

Should I wait 17 days to test or pay privately?

If we have the same strain of HIV is it safe to have unprotected sex?

Is it possible to get a false positive with a rapid test?

Do you have a list of private sexual health clinics?

Do I have HIV?

I had protected sex do I have HIV?

Can I get a reliable test 7 days after exposure?

Can I get HIV from sharing water with an infected person?

Can I get HIV from being in the same room as infected blood?

Are HIV tests the same accuracy for all types of exposure?

I have a burning pain when I urinate, do I have HIV?

I had unprotected oral sex do I have HIV?

Are DUO tests accurate after 26 days?

Can you advise which HIV test to have?

I have been poked by a needle, what is the risk of infection?

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