Q and A

HIV transmission

Is a four-month test conclusive or do I need another? Will it be false negative?

Can people be re-infected with different strains of HIV?

What is the risk when fingering someone?

Is a PCR HIV test conclusive after 3 weeks?

Has anyone ever been infected by having a HIV test at a private clinic? I'm nervous about getting a test.

How long does HIV live outside in an open environment?

Do I need another test?

Can HIV be transmitted through biting/being bitten? Has this ever happened?

Why do NHS and private clinics have different recommendations?

3 negative HIV tests, do I have HIV?

Is a runny nose a symptom of someone with HIV?

What are the chances of getting HIV from this one time unprotected oral sex?

Which STIs can cause similar symptoms to HIV?

Are my symptoms a sign of seroconversion?

What does the rash which appears during seroconversion look like?

Can I get HIV from kicking a needle?

How easy is it to get HIV?

Are GUM clinics infecting people with HIV?

Is it better to test at a GUM clinic or when I give blood?

If my friend is sharing needles is the test accurate at 31 days?

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