IAS 2nd Paris 2003

Further reports from 2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Paris, 13-16 July 2003

New atazanavir information

Boosted PI therapy antiretrovirals in treatment-experienced patients: SQV/r, ATV, ATV/r

HIV viral dynamics: viral fitness, genetic diversity, progression, co-receptor use

Pulmonary hypertension: finally a treatment trial!

2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, 13-16 July 2003, Paris

Nevirapine and MTCT: the single-dose backlash

Triple nucleoside combinations fail patients again

Nucleoside-sparing regimens

Dual boosted PIs in salvage therapy

BMS reports on atazanavir efficacy and safety in treatment experienced patients

Unsupervised treatment interruptions are associated with increased risk of AIDS or death

Long term exposure to nucleoside analogues and peripheral nerve function

Step-wise intervention eases diarrhoea linked to PI nelfinavir (Viracept) therapy

CD4 cell reconstitution is significantly slower in older patients

Pharmacology studies at the 2nd IAS conference

Studies highlight problems of rectal disease in HIV-positive patients